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Pinkleton Divorce: I have a fancy new keypad deadbolt

Pinkleton's picture

It’s been a bit since I’ve visited. A rough couple weeks, if you will. 

Stbxh is gone. He moved out yesterday. It was painful and I have overwhelming, mixed, confused emotions.

i hooked up the shitty tv he left me in my bedroom. (I kept the largest tv in the living room, he took the second best tv out of my bedroom, and I kept some shitty tv that was in his kids room). Whatever. All I wanted was the living room tv really. 

I changed my locks. All three doors. $130 later. I bought a fancy keypad deadbolt for my main door (I hate keys). And then basic dead bolts and knobs for the other two doors. 

I have to hire a dog walker. I am using Wag! Which is super expensive but I don’t have a choice considering We got a puppy a week before I found out all the lies and initiated a divorce. My older dog is fine with being alone while I was at work, but puppy cannot hold it that long. I figured the keypad will help with the dog walker because you can easily delete and create up to 19 codes in my deadbolt. 

The puppy (6mos old now) is driving me crazy, especially with potty training and her inability to be in a crate. School is overwhelming. Work is kickstarting a shit ton of projects. My house is half a mess and half empty. I have a ton of things that need done around the house. I’m regaining my independence of living and being alone again. I have a thousand things to do and literally no time or motivation whatsoever. I burst into tears randomly.. and I just hope that I’m alone when it happens  

Things will get better. I know they will. But right now.. things fucking suck. Divorce sucks. It’s confusing and painful and liberating all at once. 

But, no more lies. No more worries of gambling. No more resentment of me financially supporting the household. No more calls from BM demanding schedule changes and money. No more screaming kids on the weekends. No more guilt trips to “be a stepparent” when he couldn’t tell me what I was doing wrong. No more walking on egg shells when he was cranky. No more hoping he’s in a good mood today. No more negative comments. No more “I go to the bar so i don’t have to come to you”

Heres to eventually finding a man that loves me for me and not for what I provide him and his kids with (financially, emotionally, structurally). Here’s to finding a man that has similar interests to me. A man that wants to go see a band and hit up some food trucks. A man that wants to take the dogs for a walk. A man that wants to sit down and play cards. A man that will talk to me. A man that shares his feelings and thoughts with me. A man that shows me and tells me he cares and he loves me. 

My 28th birthday is two weeks from today. Here’s to celebrating how far I’ve come with my own mental health, my improved self confidence, and my ability to respect myself. 


tog redux's picture

We have one of those on our back door, they are great. Once when we got stuck somewhere, I was able to call the neighbor and he came over and fed the dogs and let them out into the yard.

You are 28, your life is just beginning. Things will get better.

Chmmy's picture

28! Awesome you are so young. Enjoy the freedom. Find yourself. Love yourself. Then find a man to love & love you. Thats advice from a 46 year old woman. I love who I have become and while steplife sucks I wouldnt change a thing about me

CLove's picture

I know it will get better, it will just take time. Take care of you and dont worry about the mess. Just know that you made the right decision and allow yourself to grieve the loss of your marriage.

Kes's picture

I admire you, you have grit, well done!   Here's hoping you eventually find a man worthy of you, but in the meantime, you have yourself, you have peace, you have self determination.  Not bad for one so young. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Congratulations on your new lease on life! I love those locks too btw! Lol

You will find you groove and your new normal in no time! Just keep moving forward, 28 is just the beginning! 

thinkthrice's picture

life experience!  i have those locks too.  great because Chef had a problem with keys.

Now you know what you DON'T want at a young age.  Make sure you don't make the same mistake twice and opposite can be just as bad!!

Monkeysee's picture

So happy for you! It’ll get easier with time, and those thousand things will slowly get done. Make sure you take care of you and, when you’re ready, celebrate your new found freedom!

NoThanks's picture

Hun, you are so young. You have have lots of years to find that man you are looking for. Use this time to heal and find yourself again so you are ready for Mr. Right when he appears. (((HUGS))). And know you did the right thing by not wasting another moment with that loser. 

Siemprematahari's picture

Wishing you all the best!

You got this!

Cheers to new beginnings and creating so many wonderful and happy times ahead.