PeanutandSons's Blog
Easter Vent- Realizing how much I am begining to dislike all the holidays
So the kids had no school on Good Friday. And since the skids don't know how to act right, for the past almost month, they can't go to daycare on Fridays (our options were to pay more for them, no bring them one day a week, or find another daycare). So I had all three kids home with me all three weekend days (i work m-th).
Friday- skids start with the fighting and bickering first thing in the morning. Ss10 was having a horrible adhd morning and it was absolute torture to get him fed, showered and dressed. Sd9 has her usual attitude and is being difficult at every turn.
Its official! The tickets have been booked!!
On the Saturday after school let's out for summer, my 2 skids will be on a plane to spend 8 weeks with mil. Best $400 bucks I've spent in a long time...... Small price to pay for the sweet relief.
I've already decorated the day on my work calendar.....even though ill be on maternity leave a month before the day they leave. Just knowing its there feel better!
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For once dh and I are on the same page with a bio vs skid issue!!
My plan since we got pregnant has been to have BS(stb3) at the hospital with us when we have his baby brother, but I want the skids to either go to school/stay with a friend (depending on when we go into labor). I've been hesitant to bring it up because I figured that it would he a huge fight.... That i want to include BS but not the skids.
Well, time is running short (we are now 35 weeks along) so I finally started the conversation yesterday evening.
I should know by now that no one appreciates anything, so why do i keep hoping for it?
Months ago, while waiting at the deli counter, Dh notices jello salad in the refrigerator case. Goes on and on about how is aunt used to make it for the holidays, and how it was always his favorite and he really misses it. Dh is diabetic, and picks it up to look at the sugar content. It was something crazy, like 30+ grams a serving. He puts it back listfully, and says how he can justify cheating with that much sugar.
DH- Your mental acrobatics are astounding!
The mental acrobatics that my Dh performs to twist and turn sd's behavior into something acceptable are quite astounding.
He calls me on my way home from work after he has picked up the kids from daycare. Says that there was a big to-do at the daycare and he was there for over twenty minutes while it got sorted out. My first thought was, of coarse, oh god, which of the skids was it?. So I tentatively ask what was going on.
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Looking for opinion on BS's education.... let him move ahead, or keep him back with his age-mates?
We put BS(then just turned 2) in preschool last June. The school immediately identified that he was ahead of his age-mates in the 2yr old program and moved him up to the 3-4 year old room. He spend the summer months transitioning (half days with the older kids) to see how he handled it , and by the time the school year started in September, he was in the 3 year old class full time.
And yet again.....
The day I had planned is ruined.
For those of you who didn't see my forum post yesterday.... The owner of the daycare we use told Dh that we either need to start paying more money every week (the skids are a handful) or only bring the kids in 4 days a week. So now I have BS home with me all day Friday (very happy about this) and I have to get the skids straight from school (not happy about this). So instead of having the skids come home at 5 with Dh, I have to get them at 2.
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So happy thinking about a skid free summer
Skids are supposed to leave right after school ends and spend 8 week with mil in a different state. This will be the first break I've gotten from these kids in YEARS.
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How can they just not care how their bio-kids turn out?
This is my first blog, just been using the forums so far. So, if you haven't seen any of my posts over there, here's the quick run down of my situation. 2 skids, ss10 and sd 9. We have full custody of both kids, bms don't even come for visitation.I have one bioson 2 (almost 3) and am due with second bioson in May. Both my biosons belong to my Dh.