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Made a phone call today!!!!

part-timedad's picture

I called the prison where Bm's boyfriend is an inmate. I spoke to the assistant warden about what can be done to prevent my 11 BD from recieving and sending letters to moms incarerated boyfriend. The assistant warden asked me to send the paperwork that states we have joint custody and she was going to check with their legal department to see want could be done to prevent this from happening. She said that since her mom was allowing her to send and recieve the letters that they may not be able to do anything. I also asked if there was a way if she could tell me if my daughter was on the visitors list at the prison. She said that once she recieved the documentation that she would be able to give me more info. The assistant warden was very helpful and very friendly. If for some reason the would not be able to do anything about this what other options would I have. Do I need to contact an attorney? Do I have any other actions I can take. Any advice would be great,CH


stormabruin's picture

Talk to your lawyer about it & see if you can have your court order ammended to include something about it.

Have you seen the letters that go between them?