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overworkedmom's Blog


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Yesterday dh did great. I had an early morning meeting so he volunteered to get all 3 ready for school and to day care since he was going to leave about an hour after me. The kids all looked homeless when I picked them up Blum 3 but he did good.

F-ing in-laws

overworkedmom's picture

I used to have a good relationship with my mother in law, but that has turned to shit. I called her today to try and play nice and catch up and she starts harping on how I blame SS for his behavior :jawdrop: .... Ummmm, who else do you blame??? Anyway, long story short she said that I need to stop being resentful to him for how he treats me. F that! I am working on my marriage because while things are looking up, we are not strong. We are trying to get to a good place but its hard. SS is the reason we fight, plain and simple.

Thinking of Holiday's now

overworkedmom's picture

A couple of blogs got me thinking. This will be the first year I will have not had my bios for Thanksgiving. I am a little depressed about them not being there. I think I want to go on a little trip for the weekend. Now, I just wonder if I can talk DH into leaving SS with BM so we can get away...

I doubt it, but wishful thinking, right? Sad


overworkedmom's picture

I am irritated as crap so I am putting it here instead of taking it out where I should.

Back story: my mom does a massive back to school trip for my kids every year. She includes ss in is trip. The only thing ss didn't get that my bios did were shoes. She felt that his other grandma who lives in town and makes more money than my mom does can at least do that. Keep in mind I have never asked my mom to dot his, she just does.

He was doing so well... Until last night

overworkedmom's picture

DH has been doing great with everything he has said. He is actually helping me around the house with cleaning, being active with the kids, everything. Saturday I had a major car catastophy and wound up having to buy a new car instead of just an oil change and state inspection like I thought I was getting- and he was so great about keeping all 3 kids all day. He came to the dealership to give the one I wanted a test drive and do the whole "man look-over" but then he took all the kids home and let me have peace while I finished the process. He even had dinner when I got home.

Can't think of a good title

overworkedmom's picture

So, after everything that happened when DH called me at work and said he wanted to stay together and work it out I posted and EVERYONE told me he was full of it and I still need to leave. I really took all of your advice to heart and was thinking how strong I need to be when I got home last night.

GRRR! Pissed off BM today

overworkedmom's picture

So, my exH girlfriend felt the need to do a couple of things this past weekend that I am livid about.
1st- my daughter (5) got scared when their neighbors got in a drunk fight and got arrested. So exH's GIRLFRIEND felt the need to take her to a police station to talk to police. Now, I don't have a problem with the police station but why the F didn't her FATHER take her??? If it was important, he should have been the one, not the current gf.

Disengaging Day 1

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Thank you so much everyone for your advice yesterday. My husband refuses to go to counseling for us, so if our marriage fails it will be on his shoulders. To keep myself sane I am disengaging even though he threatened divorce over it, and I have to tell you, even after one day, BEST DECISION EVER!!

Meanest Mom in the world

overworkedmom's picture

I just found out I am the meanest Mom in the world! :jawdrop:

I sent ss to his room for ignoring what I was saying. So now I am trying to decide if I should let him down for the brownies that are almost done or if I should really be a mean mom }:)

I am fed up hearing this crap from an ungrateful child....
