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One glimmer of hope this week with skads...

Oi Vey's picture

My SD from my first marriage will be 21 this week. I can't believe it. I've been in her life for many years.

She is on her own now and lives one state away.

We met up with her a month or so ago and spent the weekend with her. We had a good time and my kids were thrilled they got to see their sister. DH and I paid for, food, entertainment, etc.

Well, she sent us a thank you card and a Visa gift card for $50. She wrote that since we wouldn't let her pay for anything, she wanted to send us that.

I texted her:

OV: Why'd you send us $$, silly?
SD: Because you paid for everything.
OV: Isn't that what parents are supposed to do?
SD: Not forever Smile

Ahh, my heart was warmed. At least there is hope on some front. I wanted to send it back to her, but decided against it because I don't want to offend her. $50 when you make minimum wage is A LOT of $$! So, instead I sent her a lovely diamond necklace for her 21st birthday this week. Smile


Anon2009's picture

Aww, this is so nice to read! That was really nice on both of your parts-her for reimbursing you and you for sending her that gorgeous necklace!