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Oi Vey's Blog

Health Insurance

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Can someone PLEASE tell me how BM is able to contact MY HUSBAND'S insurance and get information??

Both the skids are adults now, and only one is still on the policy.

How, oh how, can BM call and get info????



Oi Vey's picture

The day - and week - has been pretty miserable. I don't want to dwell on it right now, so I will throw out my "happy thing" for the day before I retire with a mixed drink. Smile

My SD from marriage #1 turned 21 today. I've been in her life since she was two. She lived with her mom primarily for several years, then with XH and I, then with me, then with DH and I. She is now on her own.

I called her to wish her a happy birthday today.

I gotsa question about tempers...

Oi Vey's picture

It seems to come up fairly often, and I wonder: how many of you yell (or worse) when you get upset?
How many of you walk away?
How many start crying? Wink

I really am curious. I was raised by a mother who yelled all.the.time. I married a man who yelled all.the.time. My DH now will "sometimes" yell, and that happens when he basically loses it. He doesn't yell on a regular basis.

One glimmer of hope this week with skads...

Oi Vey's picture

My SD from my first marriage will be 21 this week. I can't believe it. I've been in her life for many years.

She is on her own now and lives one state away.

We met up with her a month or so ago and spent the weekend with her. We had a good time and my kids were thrilled they got to see their sister. DH and I paid for, food, entertainment, etc.

Well, she sent us a thank you card and a Visa gift card for $50. She wrote that since we wouldn't let her pay for anything, she wanted to send us that.

I texted her:

OMG, seriously, MIL???

Oi Vey's picture

My SS is almost 23. Yes, 23. I was married with kids then. But, whatever...

MIL sends DH and I an email to tell us how worried she is about SS. (He lives with my ILs.) He's just so "down" on himself.

Well, DUH, MIL, this man-child is almost 23, not self supporting and just failed to graduate with his class last month from his "hospitality school."
I think he SHOULD feel down about himself right now!!

She's gone, she's gone, she's gone!!

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Well, not completely, but BM no longer lives a couple of miles away. I no longer have to drive past her house twice EVERY day and see her... or at the store, or at the post office. Yippee!!!
BM lived in a rental on the ONE main street up and down the hill that I live on the top of. For TWO YEARS, I've had to see her in the morning, afternoon, and often evening.
She moved this past weekend!! Whoop, whoop!