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ohmygosh's Blog

Problems with SD Bio Mom

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My SD goes to her bio moms house twice a week. The problem is this: We pack her clothes to wear to school (nice clothes, and ones she picks when we buy them) but her mother never likes them and tells her daughter that they are &*^%*& ugly and then gives her one of her tops to wear.

SD Mother will not give her medication!

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My husband has full custody of his daughter, she lives with us full time and visits her mother twice a week now (overnight) and every other weekend, when she feels like taking her that is.

We have taken everyone’s advice and she is now seeing a psychiatrist. He has prescribed her to take 10mg of Prozac. My husbands ex wife left us a message on our cell phone telling us she will not give her daughter that medication, that it was for people who have severe mental problems and that SD did not need it and the doctor was just trying to get kick backs from his med reps.

Losing Battle with SD

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I feel like I cannot win with my SD. This child is 10 years old and every time I say something to her she back talks to me. If she does not get her way, she will throw a fit and cry, scream and throw things and make everyone’s life terrible. We have been going through this for three years now, and full time for me since my husband took his new job and I have to pull all the weight with raising my SD.

10-Year-Old Stepdaughter trying to hurt step mom physically

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I am a stepmother of a 10 year old girl. My husband and I have been with each other for about 3 years now.

My stepdaughter has gone from bad to totally out of control. When she is not acting like she is a two year old screaming and crying she is physically trying to harm me. She has gone from putting nails in front of where I would walk when I have no shoes on to trying to break my arm after I just had rotator cuff surgery.