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Just like that we're back in high school

notsobad's picture

In August DH and I went to a get together with a very good friend of mine and a bunch of her friends. They all went to HS with DH and BM. I know a few of them both from HS years and other occasions, birthday parties and fund raisers.

We had a lovely evening, lots of laughs and new friendships formed. Pictures were posted and lots of likes were given.

Then a couple of weeks ago my friend gets a message from BM saying she heard that she was talked about in a derogatory way and that they were all lies. BM sent this message to a few people that were there. BM asked why would someone do this and if they were decent people they wouldn't speak of such things. Pretty sure BM meant that DH and I are not decent people and that anything we said about her were lies to make the people at the get together like us more than her.

Here's the thing, no one talked about BM. Yes, her name came up once or twice. DH introduced himself as the assh@l* who used to be married to BM because that's how she's talked about him at all the reunions. One of the people there dated BM before DH did and I said he should have kept her. That was it. Everyone laughed at DH calling himself and ass and that was it.

Another guest, Mr B, is very wealthy. He also got the message. I mention that he's very wealthy because earlier this year BM approached him about investing in her house in resort town. She wanted Mr B to lend her the money to finish the house, in return she'd pay him back with interest when the house sold. (It still isn't sold and she might lose it) Mr B declined and told us about it long before this get together.

He was most particularly not impressed with BMs message and told her in no uncertain terms that while no one talked about her at the party, they were most certainly talking about her and her petty insecurities now.

DH did get a phone call from BM but when he called her back she didn't answer and hasn't called him again. I'm sure she was going to tell him to stop talking about her or to stop me from talking about her until she heard from everyone else that nothing was said about her.

I have no idea what she's heard or from whom but seriously, are we back in HS? I heard from so and so that you said such and such and you'd better shut your mouth!!




Ispofacto's picture

Our BM does this.  She was fishing.  She pretends she knows something to get people to confirm or deny.



momjeans's picture

He was most particularly not impressed with BMs message and told her in no uncertain terms that while no one talked about her at the party, they were most certainly talking about her and her petty insecurities now.

Oooh, now that’s a clapback. I like this Mr. B. 

Cooooookies's picture

^^^^^All of this!!!!  Way to go Mr B!

This is what happens when you live your life acting like a horrible human being.  You get paranoid that people will find out about just how sh&tty you really are!