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Oh my, where to start?

notsobad's picture

Get your popcorn!

SD (31, no kids, never married or lived with anyone, but has had serious relationships) has a new BF. We just met him this summer, they met on an online dating site and have been talking/emailing/facetiming dating for a while. He's 35-38ish, divorced (1-2 years?), 3 kids (son 9, daughter 5-6, daughter 3-4), and was brought up morman.

He's a very nice guy, friendly, polite, good looking, confident, has a good job. No red flags when we met him. He conversed with us and others, he wasn't nervous or strange around a bunch of strangers and family. He treated SD wonderfully, he was courteous, listened to her, looked at her like she was the only girl in the room, laughed and danced. It was really nice to meet him and spend some time with him.

He and his ex were married after only a couple of months of dating, they had 3 kids and were expected to have many more, it's a mormon thing. He told me over dinner that he realised over time that he just didn't love her, at all. That he'd only married her because that was what he was expected to do. His family isn't a very strick morman family. He had a few drinks over the course of the weekend and said he wasn't really tied to the religion, it's just what he was born into. He also said that his ex and her family is very committed to mormonism. That some of the practices freak him out!
He has his kids one week on/ one week off.
He and his ex agreed that they would only introduce the kids to someone they were really serious about and that they would have had to have been dating for over 6 months.
About a month ago SD met the kids. They went out and did a family activity all together.
Since then, SD has babysat all 3 kids one Saturday, all day, because he had to work. SD has bought one of the girls (not sure which one) a bike for her birthday, and was planning a long weekend family trip. The trip didn't happen because school is going back full time here and they didn't want to travel and risk Covid.

SD is over the moon, crazy in love with this guy! She was PDA with him and I have never seen that with any of her other serious relationships. When he was kidding about how much his kids drove him crazy she gushed and said "Stop it, you're a great Dad". She's introduced him to all the important people in her life and all her friends.

DH has talked with her about how she's dealing with his kids and she said she's leaving all the parenting to him, that she makes no decisions and doesn't even give him her opinion when it comes to the kids.
So now, we see how this will all progress. I'm sure I won't hear even half of it.


BethAnne's picture

It's fustrating when you can see so many potential pitfalls but having a frank conversation doesn't seem appropriate....Babysitting kids that you met a weekago for the whole day does not seem like she is staying out of the parenting thing and is a huge red flag as far as being expected to take on child care duties. 

I've a friend who started dating a guy late last year with 2 girls and it seemed like it wasn't an ideal relationship then covid happened and it seemed it was convienient to continue that relationship rather than seek out another one. So her relationship with him is rapidly progressing despite early red flags. I tried to start a conversation with her a few months ago about the perils of step parenting and making sure that her partner respects her and makes his kids respect her. I am not too sure I really got my point across well. I didn't want to be overly negative about her partner or the relationship, but wanted to warn her about things to look out for. 

I am hoping that if she encounters any issues she feels she can chat with me about it at least.  

JRI's picture

Now tbat I think back, my own DH tried to slow things down regarding my intro to his kids.  Looking back, I see how wise that would have been.  But, I was hell-bent to move forward.  Sigh.....  Would it have made any difference in the end?  I agree, grab the popcorn, SM.