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NJSMDC12's Blog

My new tactic.. make point.. shut up.. silence.

NJSMDC12's picture

This may be passsive aggressive, but it sure as hell worked on me. I started praying... alot.. even talking to my Mom, yes she is deceased, she doesn't answer, so don't be alarmed. lol. I wondered, "What would my Irish Mother do?". My Mother was very warm, but very strict at the same time. She had a way of making you believe what she said was actually good for you. I would rail against her, but then, come to think of it.. she was probably right and whatever it was could come to no good end, and I would see it in her logical no nonsense way.

You knew what you were getting into.. and the good opinions of other well meaning people.

NJSMDC12's picture

Well.. I am not sure what I did, but I managed to somehow get rid of my first bio/blog. It's only one day lost, so I am not sweating it too much. I first thought I may have dropped one too many F-bombs, but, I am assured that isn't the case. It is probably my newness to blogging. So, that said, I have read some interesting stuff over the last two days. The one thing that has struck me is the idea of SM somehow knowing what they were geiing into before they got into the situation with their respective SKIDS.