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You knew what you were getting into.. and the good opinions of other well meaning people.

NJSMDC12's picture

Well.. I am not sure what I did, but I managed to somehow get rid of my first bio/blog. It's only one day lost, so I am not sweating it too much. I first thought I may have dropped one too many F-bombs, but, I am assured that isn't the case. It is probably my newness to blogging. So, that said, I have read some interesting stuff over the last two days. The one thing that has struck me is the idea of SM somehow knowing what they were geiing into before they got into the situation with their respective SKIDS.
My first experience with SKIDS was excellent, and continues to be into my SD's , now 21 and 24 years of age adulthood. The beginning was an adjustment, like anything, but all in all, it was and continues to be the best experience of my life. It was a far different context than I have now, as I have my SKIDs full time, and I am the only Mother they really know, even now. I attempted to mend the hurt and feelings between what I call my girls, (I had them, from the time the youngest was 4 years old), but time and time again, they would be hurt again for their attempts. As young women, it is their choice. I feel no ego about them seeking their BM out, although I do worry and fear for them being hurt again.
Then came divorce and being alone, in the sense of my partner or husband in my life for a few years. I wanted someone in my life, but didn't, "need", someone in my life. I also wanted to be certain my girls had every bit they needed of me. When my youngest expressed that she wanted me to start dating again, I did, after another year. Then came my current husband and his two boys, then almost 3 and almost 9. Now, SS7 and SS 13 (very very near). This situation is completely different, and I expected different. Kids aren't cookie cutters. I know that. I walked into a world of habitual lying from BM, SS13, SS7 and a now husband who punks on me whenever I really think something is serious enough to address, which isn't THAT often. I raised teenage girls, and not a whole lot can get me, but manipulation and lying will ALWAYS get me. My household is taken over by an almost 13 year old little tyrant, who uses ADHD as an excuse for every single bad behavior he displays. His BM lies, and wonders why HE lies. My husband and I have these children 60-80% of the time. I find here is the only place I can come now,and that is here . as my family is sick of hearing it, my friends say cut and run... but I digress...
Well meaning people will always say, "You knew what you were getting into, he has kids". What that really means is a passive aggressive way of saying, "I have given up everything I hold dear to raise my little urchins, you can too, stop bellyaching", but here is the catch... they aren't OURS to cater to, spend our time on, money on, give up half our lives on, to have a BM who does nothing come and dictate, when more than half the time is absantee, what is and isn't going to happen in MY house. My answer to that is, "Take them, do what I do, pay how I pay, spend the time I do... then you STILL have no right to dictate MY household any more than you feel I have a right to uphold rules for YOUR children in my household. If you don't like that.. you know where they are staying, come and get them". Only, BM's time is WAY too preceious to her to actually give up that time out with her girls or getting her nails done or partying at her friends house, (yes this woman is nearing 40), nor can she hold a JOB that was handed to her by ,.... yours truly. So....
What of the other side of the coin? The person who has raised their children and now is faced with a man (or woman) with children? Did that person know they were getting an independent woman or man? Does that persons life no longer matter? Is it ALL for the kids no matter how rotten they become or are allowed to become? Are we to trade ALL of ourselves over for the sake of a BM or BD's EGO rush of dictating a household or a life she NEVER cultivated in herself? The other half of that puzzle is not a non-entity. Personally I believe the same can be asked of men and women who wind up with singles or men or women with grown children. The same respect is deserved on BOTH sides of that coin. I didn't raise brats my first time around and if I am expected to raise these kids then BM can shut the F up until she decides she feels like doing it herself. I cultivated my life to own my home, these are MY rules. If they don't like them, I am sorry, they can most assuredly go to BM... guess what? She's NOT HOME. Why did we do it when we "knew " what we were getting into? Because we LOVE.. amazingly enough, alot of he venom the haters out there , (I have read some), spew is guilt for not doing what they were given the responsibility to do when they gave birth. Guess what, I would love to go blow $300 on a pair of shoes again ,instead of tumbling class for SS7 after BM never followed through with the classes , rather than break a promise to him, but guess what.. we ALL do it for LOVE, despite the anger. That is the answer. If the BIO's who do nothing could get their EGO's out of the way, would their really be a struggle? It is MUCH harder to choose to love someone elses child than to LOVE a creation you gave birth to. Evil Step parent? Try Saints.. some.


lawyergirl06's picture

I couldn't agree more. I have the evil bio mom who can't get a job, can't stay sober, can't take her meds or shower regularly who wants to tell the BF what to do with her kids when I am putting a roof over their heads and school clothes on their backs.Shut the F up and get out of the way or demonstrate you are capable of doing this better.

NJSMDC12's picture

Lawyergirl! I like you! I wish you were my neighbor!! LOL
Here is the thing.. I really wish she were a great Mom. I have tried all I can, even, as mentioned, getting her into a certificate program to get a better job, then getting her said job.. that she didn't show up for. I didn't even know how to explain to the people I put my neck out to as to why she didn't follow through. It was a STATE job too, hard to come by in a bad economy! Going for 8 bucks an hour to over 20 is a huge leap, and I so wanted her to take that huge leap as so much of her whining comes from lack of funds, although, God knows why she gets support when they are here most of the time anyway.
Meanwhile.. I have an almost 13 year old beast on my hands and an almost 7 year old who is delayed on my hands. I do it, I am either evil, jealous (I have a uterus too, which still is highly functioning even at 44, I just chose to be responsible with it), wanting to "replace her.. (I like my life and what I have done with it so far). I just don't get it, and I am not sure a team of shrinks in Vienna could answer these questions. his ex can't manage a shower either!
If it's depression, I get it.. I lost my child in 1999 I really really get depression, but life is to live and if you have any disease or problem, you OWE it to the other children or your children to do everything you can to get all the help you can to be the best you that you can be. If she cant do that, then like you say.. shut the F up and get out of the way, they are only children for a short while. I got out of the way. I had a great husband at the time. I spent alot of time getting myself back to this realm I knew I had to for my SD's who were still very very alive. I don't talk to my new Husband very much about that. It's in my heart. He could not possibly understand that struggle. It keeps my ex and I friends, and it is something we went through as a family together,( my now grown SD from previous marriage. ) I have reached out so much my arms feel like gumby, only to be lied to and stabbed in the back, and only for my Husband to wuss out on me. I don't suffer wussy men well. (sorry). He STILL makes excuses for her. The expecatation of me is so much higher.. why? Because I made a successful life and family prior to him/them? That hurts.
I want to scream and shake her sometimes.. DO YOU KNOW HOW LUCKY YOU ARE THIS VERY MINUTE?!!. It would do no good.. what I say she can only experience by reading in books or in Dr's office magazines. I wouldn't even share it with her.. she would somehow make it "hers" in her habituation. (lying)She doesn't deserve to know, what she doesn't get is the GIFT she has been given in these children and in so many people who show kindness to her. I think that is what angers me most of all. I have expressed this to my EX, who really is my oldest friend. We married at 19. I said, "If she only knew one day of that longing, she would shape up".. he says," No she wouldn't.. because it's only one day... I hate wanting to just shake her , and sometimes just wanting to scream at SS13.. JESUS.. YOU ARE ALL SO BLESSED.. can't you see this, while at the same time feeling like somehow I can make some kind of difference by example. The only thing I feel I have is my example. Hopefullly before I feel I can't do this anymore, it will stick, someplace in a deep wrinkle in one of their minds. My SD21, said to him one day, when he had a fit at my house, "Do you know what a great SM you have? I do.", I hate to admit it, I needed that validation so bad at that moment.