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Why when i hear the ex wifes name i could puke?

nicole's picture

Im so sick of her...I hear about her from Fh family, him , his ex step kids, her mail comes to my home, her dentist bills etc.....Question is how do you feel about the ex....We know how we feel about the kids.....Its like no matter how old the kids get the exes never go away...Is this right? My daughter is 12 and her Dad keeps his distance...He is no angel, but causes me no problems


SM#1's picture

weddings, grandkids, graduation (hopefully not in that order!). I think the BM or BDads will always be somewhat in the picture. We don't call my H exGF by her name we call her "Psycho". My BS2 asks where his sister is when SD is at BM and we say she is at school (he is too young to understand all the B*S*).

But when SD9 talks about BM we just ignore her, it was funny in the car SD says "oh it was so gross I had to pop the zits on my Moms back yesterday"
my response "those types of things are private--we don't want to hear about it. I am sure your Mom would be embarrassed you said that"
my H response "thats disgusting! Don't ever say anything about your mother again!" LOL!!

I used to get mad when SD talked about her BM but now I think of it through SD eyes. Even though we think she is crazy and a horrible person SD still loves her and doesn't know who she really is. It does not bother me anymore.

Anon2009's picture

because every time I hear DH's ex-wife's name, I want to :sick: also. She's a piece of crap and a b**ch for how she treats her kids and all she's subjected them to. Every time I see her name on the caller ID I want to :sick: . But she cheated on DH, and has treated DH like s**t, made up bs about the two of us, and tried to poison the SDs against their dad, so the inlaws don't exactly care for her too much either. They never did. To quote my MIL there was "something about her that wasn't right." So when BM and DH divorced, they were glad and felt "don't let the door hit your a** on the way out." Finally, they could breathe at family gatherings because BM's awful stench was no longer there.

christine77's picture

Why is it that I have NO problems with BD?? If we talk on the phone (only when needed) it is on topic and then its over, no drama, no fighting, no arguing. We used to get BM's mail here, really, how hard is it to go and change your address?? I told her one day that I put in a change of address request FOR her.. she apparently had no idea how these things worked cause she never even asked about me signing her name.. LOL. My ex is remarried, and I can assure you that his new wife has no idea how easy she has it. I never call when its not necessary, I never call her to do me "favors", I never talk to her about anything. Its not that I have a problem with her, because I dont, its just because I know how she would feel if I were to behave that way and I dont ever want her to view me as a threat or make her unhappy in her new home.

Family ... UGH, thats the worst. I hated going over to DHs moms and seeing pictures of her and him all over. Although his mom cant stand the ground she walks on, it still wasnt fun to have to see that all the time. Thank God they have new ones up!!

I honestly believe that she is never going away, I gave up hope for that a long long time ago. The bright side? I can definitely go away...LOL.. and be done with all of this.

secondwife20's picture

my in laws cannot STAND BM. I love it! Before I came across this site, I would go to my in laws, especially my mother in law because she understood what BM was like. An evil, controlling bitch.

Anyway, I know how you feel. DH and I have our own place so we do not get any mail under BM's name... but we still get phones calls and I still have to see her hideous face during the transaction. Each and every time I see that she's calling, or I see her, or even the MENTION of her very name... makes me want to vomit all over the place.

It makes me so angry that I have to deal with this waste of human flesh... and I just can't wait until the day she will be out of our lives. I will do everything in my power to keep her out of my life for good. I understand that SD8 will still need to be in DH's life... and that's fine. He can deal with his bratty child for the rest of his life, but I will not have BM in my life forever.

Never Ending's picture

I remember my sister was going to name my niece ...the ex name...thank goodness she didnt,. cause now I cant even stand the sound of that name...

My dislike for this women is overwhelming, I sometimes ask my H what he saw in her, and how he landed up with completly opposite women. "Maybe she was a animal in bed?" Give me something right?

melis070179's picture

I hate the ex's name time we were in Lowes & my DH ran into old friends (ones that knew BM too...but apparently didn't like her) The friend's wife introduced herself & had the same name as BM...she quickly said "Don't hold the name against me!" I thought it was hilarious, because I do cringe everytime I hear that name!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Gmama's picture

is probably the word.
I hate VERY FEW people,(very few) but I would say she has earned her way onto my list. They really bring all this on themselves. The sad thing is I feel like it's my "right" to hate her but every F-n day?????? she gets brought up all the time and your right,i'm SICK of it. When ever I hear her name (which is like you ladies,it seems like everyone is named that) It really makes my skin crawl.

October8's picture

I hate hearing her name and I hate hearing her referred to. I agree with Neverending, I don't know how my Dh ended up with a totally different woman. At the begining of our relationship, I did not hate her because she was unintrusive, however, when she found out that my relationship was heading for marriage, she became a real pain... I try not to think about her ever, but when she gets on my nerves by acting like she is still with DH (calling, sharing, etc..) I sort of wish that she was less intrusive.

FuBaR's picture

I thought I were the only person whom hated the BM's name so much.I will literally turn off a movie if the lead actor has her name, it makes me that sick..I look at myself (not that im smokin hot) and look at her and be like damn wtf were you thinking?? Were you drunk the whole time, not in your right mind, just plain desperate whatever the reason being I will never understand it.. And the kids are a spitting image of her which isnt their faults but still, its like looking at her all the time they are here..Then you get the old esp from the daughter my mommy this my mommy that, kid ur mommy is too lazy to sit in a bucket of water if her ass was on fire..But I sit there and listen..I never knew I could hate someone so much as I do her.. Someone who lets her bf for the week stick his finger in the kids butt..What trash and yes we reported this to CPS just waiting to hear back from them.I could go on and on about what a sorry excuse of a mother this bitch is. Horrible Horrible woman she is..

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..

SM#1's picture

''And the kids are a spitting image of her which isnt their faults but still, its like looking at her all the time they are here..''

My SD9 looks just like me! My BS2 and her look exactly alike. You would not believe the resemblance, everyone looks at our family picture and says "boy you would never know she wasn't yours".

SDs BM is half Italian. She is very dark complextion with black hair. SD has dirty blond hair, blue eyes and very pale skin tone, just like my son and I. And I have to say, now that SDs BM is having another child it makes me so happy that child will look nothing like SD either. Since BMs DH is half Alaskian. He is very dark as well. Not that I have anything against this soon to be brother for SD, but I don't need any reminders of BM. (BMs baby is going to be born 1 month after mine)

Georgie Girl's picture

I really don't mind when the skids talk about bm because she is their mom and they don't do it to cause me any discomfort and they are just sharing their lives with me so I don't mind that part.

What gets me is when mil has to gush over how great she when she is arounnd me or bring her up or try to link her to something when it is not necessary at all. I could care less if they have a realationship, it doesn't effect my life or my home so leave me out of it. I still talk to my ex-mil, she is a wonderful person and we are still close, but I stay out of where I do not belong and I am sure ex-mil does not bring me up in front of ex's gf. Why would she? My mom does not talk about my ex in front of dh or even bring up ex-mil in front of him and they are very good friends. There is no reason for it whatsoever.

I also hate it when dh says bm's name. BM needs this or BM is going to see bf so she wants to know if we can keep the skids all week. The way he says it makes me want to puke. it is always like the queen herself has a request. Blech.

JMC's picture


a practicing witch! No kiddin! She's into all the witchcraft crap and probably attempts to do her voodoo on DH and myself, or anyone else who crosses her path. She's a real piece of work - I don't know of anything short of murder this woman hasn't done -she's been in jail for forgery, she continually cheated on DH and at least one,possibly two, of their 3 kids are not biologically his; she's a chronic liar and cheat. Even her own family has turned her in to DCFS for problems with the one kid who still lives with her...I couldn't believe it when her own sister called me and tried to persuade me into taking the middle daughter into our home because the mother was so horrible! (SD17 lives with DH's parents) The SD's talk about how awful their mother is, and they'd never want to live with her, but if someone else says anything about her, they get all defensive. The kid who does live with her is so screwed up mentally it's pathetic. He's on all sorts of medication for mental problems. My FIL swears the mother sends the kid down to visit just to spy on everyone and report any gossip. I figured that out from the first time I met the kid - he was asking questions that no 13 yr old boy would even think of - all to report back to mommy dearest.

BM promises the SD's the earth, moon & the stars and never delivers - she's never paid one red cent of child support to DH and has even "borrowed" money from SD17 (money that WE provide to SD17!) I was livid when I found out about that little incident. As far as hearing her name, it makes me wanna puke too and I have a hard time anytime I meet someone with the same name as her...

stepmom31's picture

Ugghhh... Seeing it on mail etc. is ok but I HATE hearing her name. And I hate it most of all when my DH says it. And I hate it even more that he uses the nickname rather than the whole name... like Zanzi rather than Zanzibar... it drives me crazy because it sounds so intimate, knowing that they have 10+ years of history together and I have so many more years to go to beat that. I've told him about it many times - call her X or by her whole name, but he always slips back into it... Blechhhhhh!!!! Puke!!!!

future stepmom's picture

I hate the BM name so much I won't buy the dish soap that has her name! She's evil and I won't allow her around my children!

ohnoyoudidnt's picture

I get all kinds of mail here for BM and she NEVER lived in any of my houses!!
She had the priviledge of carrying the family name and ruined it for herself by cheating on DH!
Everytime I hear her name I shudder!!

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