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nicole's Blog

Well ive had it and im done....

nicole's picture

FH had voice mails from an unidentified caller.....the voice on the other end sounded like the ex whispering...She said I was thinking about you and call you later.....Then message 2 said I wont call again just thinking of you....He says it is the wrong number of course, no number how does he know..It was her, sounded like her......Im pissed......

Why when i hear the ex wifes name i could puke?

nicole's picture

Im so sick of her...I hear about her from Fh family, him , his ex step kids, her mail comes to my home, her dentist bills etc.....Question is how do you feel about the ex....We know how we feel about the kids.....Its like no matter how old the kids get the exes never go away...Is this right? My daughter is 12 and her Dad keeps his distance...He is no angel, but causes me no problems

Tell me what you think

nicole's picture

FH got a dentist bill in the mail...I open it and it is for his ex wife of 5 years...Has is name and my address, but shows work that her and 20 year old daughter had done...Now why would he be getting this bill...This is his ex wife and ex step daughters bill...He says that he ran into a friend that works at the office and gave them his new address for an invitatin to a 50th wedding anniversary party they where throwing..The friend is a secretary at the dentist office...Remind you he hasnt bee to the dentist in the year he has been at my house, but did get a reminder at my address a couple

Drama Drama Drama

nicole's picture

Well guys not pregnant false alarm......But new drama going on...FH ex step daughter came by work and was upset over breakup with boyfriend...she is 20 yrs old...Fh talked to her like i have never heard him talk before in the 6 years we have been together..He talked to her like she was 2 years old...Oh baby, sweetheart..and on and on...I bought puked...Then she wanted to be alone and left her and went driving around....Ex wife calls work lookin for her..and told Fh that she was gonna call the law if she didnt come home...She is 20 years old how stupid is this....And FH just talks to ex like

Makes me sick

nicole's picture

it makes me sick to look at him...when i do i associate him with the ex...that isnt healthy is it?? Ive had to deal with her more than i ever wanted..He never had to deal with my ex...NEVER..I have ahd i know this is harsh..but i hate him because he has let her come into my life way to much....And his ex step kids pretend to want me around til im around them...then im ignored and they talk about the ex (their mother)...He lives in my home, but i want to run away..I dont even want to go home,,,And on top of all that his mom keeps calling me by the ex's name ....ugh.

Wont go away

nicole's picture

was with future sister in law sunday...Her cell phone was my FH ex wife....I was so on the spot..She called to tell her ex sister in law that her dog died and she needs support....this woman will not go away.....She wanted to know if her ex (my fh knew)???

What a crappie weekend....

nicole's picture

Well this weekend was my daughters 12th Birthday...Planned a party with cousins that share the same birthday....Only because my child is an only child and their would be plenty of kids her age their and she would have fun...Well FH ask me why we where having the party at the cousins house and i explained to him why...That she would have more fun that way...Well he ask me 2 times this past week if party was cancelled??


nicole's picture

Well FH informed me today that he is giving EX step kids 200 bucks for Christmas..a piece.....He told me he has to give at least as much has their other parents are giving...Like its a freakin competition...I was FURIOUS>>> its not happening...Thats a little much...and i dont care how much the other step, bio parnets are giving...He already pays their phone bills and the are 20 and 23...I usually love christmas...Not this year.....Ba humbug....
