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need2vent's Blog

Remember Me?

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My 42nd bday is today so I am reflecting and the last year would not have been the same without everyone here.

Not sure if anyone remembers me, I was engaged to a man who had 3 adult kids, one married to a nightmare DIL, and an adult SD who demanded more cash than all others combined,and that is saying a lot.

please watch this video

need2vent's picture

I know of at least 3 of us on here who have a child/stepchild with autism.
This is a fundraiser that raises awareness and is very touching, I have seen several versions,all equally wonderful.
Autism Speaks/Five for Fighting Video
> The band, Five for Fighting, is generously donating $0.40 to
> Autism Speaks for *each time* the video is viewed. The funding
> goes toward research studies to help find a cure. When you have a
> moment, please visit the link below to watch the video and pass


need2vent's picture

So I am telling my sons that they will be with their dad for Valentines Day but tease and add, but I am sure you will miss me , your #1 girl.
My 14 yo BS does not miss a beat and replies " yeah , we will probably just head down to Hooters" ;-0
Good thing they both laughed!

This is my same son who when a huge semi with a trailor pulled out dangerously close to me this week, I said look at that mother(thinking motherload due to size, I swear) My son asks what were you going to say mom, mother trucker?
What happened to my baby boys? LOL

Marketing Questions:

need2vent's picture

You guys are from here, there and everywhere, so I could greatly use your opinions?

This is strictly a marketing:"how do you see it?" questions, but I need the help, for 2 projects I am working on.

Is pissed a crude/ bad/ accepted word for you?
If you heard of cards by a company called
(pissed off women)
( pissed off people cards)
would you be curious to read?

If you heard the name TOUCHUP TIN? What would you imagine the product was?
Thank you for any input!

dating again with obvious reprocussions

need2vent's picture

So my fiance never came to his senses and started behaving like a man in order to keep me.LOL
So...I am considering getting back out there much sooner then I ususally do for my pathetic ego's sake(yes all you amateur psychologist ,I realize this is unhealthy,but heack I will be 42 soon and I want to try again)
My question is will I ever get over the pain this man and his hateful, selfish, and like fish drinking kids have done?

fa-la-la ladies and gentlemen

need2vent's picture

This site saved me when I was trying to come to grips with fact that my fiance was never going to be a father , but instead a drinking buddy, wallet and babysitter for his children(I am all for babysitting grandkids,but aren't you supposed to be allowed to say no without fear of the kids getting ticked off?)
Anyway I want to thank Dawn for starting this, and thank all the souls that after being pushed by this or that sought this place.

Anyone else find this ironic....?

need2vent's picture

Ok, so my fiance finally decides to tell his 32 year old S that he cannot support him, his wife and child for too much longer, not after having sent his 28 yo daughter $3000 last 2 months for divorce, and seeing more of this in future.He gave his S a job and the S is supposed to be paying off bills while my fiance is there which we found out he is not!It is a good time to have this talk (I thought 2 months ago was good but I am a little more anxious here)since his DIL just left town to deliver my fiance's 2nd car to his D, since her soon to be ex took theirs, so no grandchild running around
