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No offense against our guy's

need2vent's picture

No offense against our wonderful dad's who post , but what i am about to report is indeed a "most" statement not an "all" statement.
I am surfing the net yesterday regarding adult step children becasue I am a research queen by career and obsession, any way I came across a study that reported that step fathers tended to have it easier and when college age students from blended families were surveyed most accepted their stepfather as much as their dads , they actually felt about equal regarding them,ON THE OTHER HAND step moms were reportedly not well respected and did not hold a candle to BM. I know you guys aren't shocked , but I did have a positive thought. I believe over time this study will be obsolete.
Same study reported that intially , in addition to long run, step fathers are in general more easily accepted into the child's life.
Does anyone else out there want soem serious focus on studies regarding 1) dads and their guilt with their children after divorce and.2)particuarly the daughters of these dads. I knwo SS can definately cause soem issues but these SD and SDIL and exSD , all seem to carry some heavy venom and "daddy" seems particuarly vexed at acknowledging or doing anything to rectify their behavior at any age.
I know we moms carry guilt, I know we are not perfect but in reading everything there does seem to be a more consistent pattern along this line. Any thoughts? Actually if nothing else Kudos to you dads who do post in my opinion, you may be the exception ,rather then the standard.


Persephone's picture

I want this one so I can print it out for DH.

1) dads and their guilt with their children after divorce and.2)particularly the daughters of these dads. I know SS can definitely cause sum issues but these SD and SDIL and exSD , all seem to carry some heavy venom and "daddy" seems particularly vexed at acknowledging or doing anything to rectify their behavior at any age.

klinder180's picture

I know my daughter accepted my ex gf very easily. The ex gf's kids were really pains and one of them never accepted me. My ex wife's husband has two kids (one of whom has a problem with everyone) but the other I think accepts her.

I too would be interested in seeing some of the studies because I am not giving up on life -- and if I meet the right lady then she too will be a step mother and I would like it if she had some of the qualities of some of the ladies on this site!


Austen's picture

Regarding the last sentence of your post -- This makes me want to try today to live up to that expectation of having good qualities (patience, etc.) in dealing with the SKs and the DH! We'll see.

Sasha's picture

I often wonder why step dads were accepted more so than step moms. My step dad was considered the authority in our house and we never questioned him. When my biofather married a woman with 3 daughters, none of them accepted him; he got the old "you're not my dad I don't have to listen to you" routine. Although I have not been in touch with my biodad for several years, I did not have a problem with his wife, in fact, she was very nice to me. I think it was because as a child I was raised to respect adults and not talk back to them.

By and far what I have seen suggests step moms are reviled by their partners' children when these step moms just want a peaceful coexistence. There are some bad step moms just as there are bad bio moms, but I think kids will be loyal to their moms regardless of how bad they are. Being nice to step mom equates to being disloyal to bio mom.

I would be interested in a general study comparing just why step moms are hated so much vs step dads being accepted.

eviecat's picture

It's got to be the dynamics of father/daughter relationships. I gained 2 SD's & 2 SS all teenagers. BM not EVER involved, but had to deal with a very VERY involved MIL. Both SD's very manipalitive, dishonest, and just plain mean. The SS's on the other hand aren't perfect but the issues we've had with them I figure to be normal teenage issues. Both SD's have made it very clear they would do anything to break us up.....Why they feel the way they do is a mystery...I don't think they even know why they feel the way they do, hence the counseling that has been required for the family.

h7's picture

I wonder if it's because most of the BF's don't have much to do with the kids (as in my case) but the BM's are usually still involved. In fact, you could say anything you want to about my BF & I frankly wouldn't care. You'd probably know him better than I do. But even when I was fighting with my mom, I was very protective of her towards strangers. Maybe because she was the one there to raise me & made all the sacrifices for me.

Then again, maybe it's just society, which reveres mothers & tells us that real fathers aren't really needed. I knew somebody who gave up custody of his child when they got a divorce because his daughter "belonged with her mother" despite the fact she was a drughead. (Don't worry, she's with her father & his parents now)

It's interesting. Is there a link?

need2vent's picture

The article did state that older children tended to not accept step moms because of 1) money( men do tend to make more then women though this is certainly not always true and funny that many cases I know where women were very well of they were accepted easily) 2) territorial about attention of daddy taken away from them , grandchildren and much less reason 3) feeling torn by feelings about mom whereas younger children it was due to 1) where do i fit in new family/picture 2)will I get my dad's attention 3) feelings of loyalty to mom . Hipchik from what you have told us I feel you have been protective of your mom because you have seen unhealthy areas of relationship between step dad and your mom, I don't blame you, you also try to see his point of view.
My issue is with the step moms who love their man, so WANT to love the kids and the kids choose to make this , uh, let's say challenging?
I will look at my history for sights I hit, becasue they also had an online survey for step parents and step children for a book/research they are doing?
I do not mean to offend or over step my boundaries when I make my next comment but I am a christian, but was raised by two parents who taught me to decide my own way and let others do the same. I also ahve dear friends who are jewish , muslim, sich and hindu. Many of these faiths have similar tecahings .Anyway as a teen/person in my twenties, even most of thirties, i would have squirmed when i heard love and obey in wedding ceremonies if requested from the woman, but now in my belief it is better for women and men to ahve certain roles overall and for woman to submit to man. Whoa Girls , I feel tension already , hear me out! I read a lot of children's books, well a lot any, soemthings I acept others I don't as we all do. I do see trends in families when man takes leading role that children tend to learn more positive things. Does this mean I believe we should all do what our mates say? Heck no. I am saying IF this man is a good strong man , who puts his wife's health and happiness before his own ( as it says in the Bible)and she sees that and therefore submits knowing he will take care of things for families best sake and not his own, for example, NOT teaching his children to be respectful, not drawing the line from his/her children to respect the parents. The husband helping make major decisions because submitting does not mean you do not have input, becasue bible says wise man seeks wife's counsel, but how many of us are disrespected in own home because DH/BF doesn't want to deal with conflict, or leaves all decision making to wife and therefore all respondsibility. Guess when I read that study and because I just read a premarital book that I unfortunately will not need now, I combined thoughts from both and thought if these men followed my God's rulebook(the Bible) they would not have many of the problems here or would at least be dealing with them. I am happy for you SM who have DH who do listen and are trying to raise their children by teaching , becasue discipline does come from disciple , doesn't translate as being mean, translates as teaching, and in my same acknowledgment I too often never let my man take that role becasue I did deal with everything , handled everything , not sure which came first the nonactive DH/BF or the woman trying to run everything What's my point,we are made differently , we men and women, ying and yang , and I believe we are menat to live together because of those differences , to makes us stronger as a couple but also to allow us to grow stronger as individuals through the work this takes. This website is wonderful because it has both genders trying to create a happy family, all asking what their roles are or what is allowed, what isn't , or just plain are we crazy? I just seem to see more females trying to work everything out while crying out their DH/BF is not wanting to do what I personally believe God made him to do. He wants peace in his house but ain'y gonna get until he gets up and gets it!! Go ahead , i am ready for backfire, i mean responses! LOL

jaded's picture

I think the root cause is the dh. If he is going to parent by guilt or worse - not at all and not back up the sm and expect respect for her why should the daughters respect the sm? Throw in the biomom who encourages the daughters not to respect the sm, and dh not standing up to the bms abuse and you have the perfect storm. Ive lived through this and I dont understand why a father would expect his daughters to respect teachers, clergy and other authoritive figures but not the stepmother. Somehow when you become a stepmom it is open season for criticism and disrespect and its encouraged either directly or indirectly by all.

Im not saying that dh is mean and did this intentionally but when your whole focus is on the girls being happy... they suddenly realize they have more power than they should have and will use it to manipulate their dads to get whatever they want. Then dad puts himself in the place of not being a parent at all but more of a wallet. In his quest to make them happy the girls actually rapidly loose respect for their dad and the totally vulnerable, undefended sm becomes a target for all the hate and blame.

With my kids I have enforced respect from day 1 - not that they wouldnt have respected my dh - but they have been raised to show respect to all adults - even the crazy bm.

Ive often wondered in fairy tales with evil stepmothers- if they included a prologue at the beginning of the stories that the stepmothers began as loving thoughtful parents but through circumstance became resentful.

laurels4u's picture

And to add fuel to the fire, the DHs themselves are inadvertently showing disrespect to the SMs because they aren't properly parenting their children.

klinder180's picture

I really don't believe it has much to do with the fact the parent is the father (bio or step) or the mother (bio or step) and might have more to do with the breakdown of society. The last several years I have seen more and more people just expecting other people to handle their problems and blaming those problems on other people -- I got 14 speeding tickets in two years? Dang, those cops are mean!

Credit cards -- someone takes out 19 credit cards with balances of $80k and can't make the payments because the interest is 38%? Must be the credit card companies fault.

Adjustable rate mortgage? Well we really wanted that $200k house and could only afford the interest only payment? Why are they now wanting principal payments? They lied to me, even though I signed a written contract!

I got three women pregnant in 5 years? Now they want child support? You have to be kidding me!

Sasha made an interesting comment about being raised to respect others (and yourself.

Perhaps its the fact that some of us have been raised with morals and values -- then we run into a situation where exs or SD/SS act in a manner that is unacceptable. Yell at an adult? No, that was not the way I was raised. Throw things and tear them up? No, I was not raised that way. Get into screaming arguments with your ex spouse or their new SO? No, I wasn't raised that way either.

Yet, that seens the way our society is encouraging people to be -- Lindsay Lohan; Brittney Spears; Kim Kardashian; OJ Simpson; Paris Hilton -- those are our role models for a lot of young people today. Partying; drinking; doing drugs; being bad parents? Its all okay because we all have that kind of money, right?

My situation was that I just couldn't accept as a co parent someone who claimed to love their childrne and wanted to raise them to be polite to others, but 3-4 hour screaming fits; stealing money; running away; and lying about others was acceptable. They were not evil kids -- they needed help; care; attention; love and a different parenting style.

Their actions were mainly directed at me -- was I an Evil Stepfather?

Probably to them I was and am. To my ex girlfriend I am sure I was an evil bastard who walked out on her and her kids -- not giving them enough money, even though I gave them way more monetary support than their real father. I was there to pick them up after school when she was in class. Yet, her ex hsuband would go deer hunting and not see his own twin children for 2-3 months at a time.

We often become the bad person when we go against the grain -- when we choose a different course. If people can scream at each other on television, why can't they do it at home? If you tear up something on television, its fixed by the next television episode so why isn't that the way it is in real life?

We may be evil and bad because we are trying to do the best things for our signficant others/spouses and the step kids that we do love -- often society has twisted them so that people cannot love in return (in a healthy way).

If that makes me evil, well then there is a long line forming to the left. I won't lose sleep and I will respect myself in the morning.

I don't think its male or female. I don't think its bio vs step -- I think some people are just being raised very badly and its showing in society. People don't respect others or themselves.

Me, I am who I am and if you don't like it pffffbbbbtttttttttt.


Sasha's picture

I wanted to respond to what you said last night but I was just too dang tired after working all evening. In any event, you touched on some very valid, important points.

I agree whole heartedly about the breakdown of society being a root cause for today's woes. I will probably draw some fire for what I am going to say, but what the heck, no one knows me anyways. Keep in mind that these are blanket statements and do not apply to everyone.

I truly believe that our problems started in the late 60's / early 70's. This nation was witness to the "free love" movement and the rise of feminism. Our society developed the idea of "if it feels good, do it" mentality. People just did what they wanted without consideration of how it would affect them or anyone around them. The feminist agenda convinced women that they could do it all, have it all, including having a family and relegated dad to the position of sperm donor and / or checkbook. Dads have slowly and systematically been marginalized, no longer considered "head" of the household but now portrayed as the family doofus who sits on the couch drinking beer, scratching his crotch and farting. Mom is now the queen of the house and dad's opinions no longer count. Many men have effectively deferred their parenting role to mom. The feminist movement was supposed to band women together for a common cause but instead it has placed women in direct competition with each other (witness the never-ending power struggles between BM and SM). Both of these women want to be king of their domain, and dad now has no clue how to parent.

Another root cause in my belief is that children are over-indulged. When I was young we were raised in the "children should be seen and not heard" line of thinking. Parents today cater too much to their child's every practice, band practice, dance classes, and the list goes on ad nauseum. Not to say that there is anything inherently wrong with kids participating in these events because they go a long way in developing social skills they need, but parents need to learn how to draw the line at some point. Children today are considered the center of the family and everything is done for them. I believe the way it should be is that the parents are the center and the kids are an extension of the parents. The decisions the parents make should be in the best interest of the entire family, not just the kids. You don't roll over and let your kids do or have anything they want just because they want it. Sometimes the answer has to be NO and kids have to learn to respect that. A lot of kids today don't have that respect for their parents or any other authority figure, and the backlash can be significant. I was just reading this morning where a kid was arrested for arranging a hit man to kill his mom and step dad because he had his play station and TV privileges taken away from him. I never once dreamed of harming my parents because I was punished!

There is also too much social indoctrination aimed at kids in the school system. Many issues that should be decided by the parents are now decided by the schools. Kids are told that if their parents spank them they can report their parents to the police. Now parents can't even discipline their children as they see fit (I'm not talking about beatings, but a little spanking never hurt anyone...I am living proof). You can't bring cupcakes to school but it's okay for the school to hand out birth control without the parent's knowledge. I could go on, but I think you get my drift.

Sometimes I wish we could go back to the "Leave it to Beaver" days when the only responsibility kids had was to go to school to get an education, where they expected nothing but was happy if they actually got something, where TV was a treat and not an expectation. A lot of things have changed for the better, but by the same token, a lot of things have also become worse.

Persephone's picture

I would have to agree with most if not all of your post, with one exception.

To use your analogy, Men have not been reduced to sperm donors, they have always been. Back in the leave it to beaver days, they were sperm donors and a paycheck. Now they are not necessarily the sole provider and can be a stay at home dad. The difference is that that they now help with the day-to day child rearing and the moms dare not say wait until your father gets home, because they often spoil the shit out of them! Fathers in my day use to you say what did your mother say? Go ask your mother, etc. If anything the increase of women in the workforce and dads helping out have diminished the authority mothers used to have in the home. And dad is afraid of being the "heavy" back up.

I think dads have partnered with us in raising children but do not have a lot of societal support and are not apt to sit around coffee clutching with friends trying to figure out new parenting stratgies. Just look how few men have come here for support, I think it is reflective of society. The Kevin and Steve's are rare!

Lot's of studies out there about men who wished their father would have spent more time with them and been more emotional... is this the case of men not treating their kids like dads of yesteryear?

Hanny's picture

with my now ex BF, that his girls accepted mom living with her BF, but they could not accept as easily his having a GF and wanting me to spend time with them together. BM moved them in with her BF right away after my ex BF quit paying mortgage. There was some difficulty at first with the older girl, but BM did not waiver and stayed with her BF and kept girls in his house with his kid. But when it comes to their 'daddy' well, daddy is wrong to want his GF to spend the night and they complained about 'no alone time with daddy' that I was always around. Not so, I maybe would be there once out of a weekend, either for dinner or movie or something with all of them. But they lived in BM's BF's house with his kid. they all vacationed together, so I don't think was a lot of alone time with BM, but then that's okay. I think when it comes to girls, they just want to keep their daddy's to themselves. They are jealous if daddy has another female in his life. And maybe it is the same with son's and mom's, maybe they are jealous when mom has another man in her life. But daddy's need to learn that the princesses won't be around forever, and need to live their lives too. Okay, I sound bitter? You bet I am. Smile But I do agree with Kevin about how we are raising our kids these days, with no respect for adults or others, or others things. And I agree with Steve too.


Frog44's picture

I think a lot of it comes down to plain ol' respect. My DH NEVER let the kids disrespect him, myself, or any other adult. As a result, we have a good relationship with each of the kids, and come to us when needing a place to stay, still come for dinner, and just plain family support.

On the other hand, unfortunately, they can't stand SD. Now, not that he's perfect, because he's not, but BM doesn't respect SD, and I think it carried to the kids. She has belittled him in front of the kids for years, and taught them that they don't have to listen to him, abide by his rules or worry about his punishments. Now, it boggles my mind the way they talk to both their BM and SD. And I can't tell you how many times I've heard, do you talk to your father that way? Do you do (this or that) to your father??? Uh no - because Hubby never stood for it.

If the norm is non-acceptance for the SM then I thank my lucky stars that I'm an acception to the rule.

klinder180's picture

My ex gf thought I was a big bastard for thinking her kids shouldn't scream at adults; break things; steal money; throw 3-4 hour temper tantrums; etc. While my ex wife and I are raising our daughter to respect adults and behave responsibly (oh she is spoiled rotten though)...

Guess I am pretty awful. Someone kick me quick!


Frog44's picture

My husband and I are the awful parents too!! Wink (Shame on us for having rules!!)

If I kick you will you kick me too?????

Riley's picture

I'll just kick myself and pretend yall did it for me!

BTW, did you know that the Chinese character for trouble is "two women under one roof"? Just thought I'd add that little truism to the pot.

holeekrap789's picture

I am the patient, tolerant, easy going, working mom who runs the household that everyone here hates for the destruction of societal values....somehow I messed up though...every teacher, church member and most of the family members think I have decent respectful children....well almost everyone...Steve thinks they're brats---lol
Lisa Dawn

need2vent's picture

I feel Persephone and Sasha were saying very similar things different ways. Society is teaching women to take over and we can be strong and more empowered by not trying to . Men are being raised by weaker and weaker afther and stronger and strionger mothers , making them grow weaker and weaker with the role reversal.Men can be macho,and sensitive, don't believe me just watch a chick flick.Role reversal is so screwed up now, who knows whats what?
Watch TV and wonder if you should be frightened for your children, I am . My children attend a very rare school where I am the only single mom in one sons grade and one of 2 in the other.The parents are all very active ,I went on a field trip last year, mind you it was conoeing in a swamp! , but I was only mom. Parents are told we are the teachers, they(the school) is the tool.Accountability is strong and yet punishment is not spanking, but to teach child why they expect another behavior and parents are brought in, a boy was expelled last year, 3 days for joke that just said a semi bad word(6th grade)Too strict? They create entire museums in 6th grade,while learning how to organize,work together, math skills ,cataloging, display, etc parents dress like pirates nad kidnap children to take them off campus to feed them.
I am trying to raise boys who do laundry , can express their feelings, know that when we are around those we love we are free to cry without ridicule and still respected, YET I want them to be BOYs as I told the other 8th grade single mom one day when she was giving her son social advice, Lynn , u just gave him girl advice, and that is not how boy would handle it and be respected by his friends. Children need both genders.
My sons school tells the parents something funny in 7th grade, they tell the moms to take a step back from their sons, stop taking him his lunch he forgot,let dad step in, they said after years of experience they saw the difference when families allowed this natural process. I actually tried it an dsaw it, honestly it has made my son and I grow closer, he understands and though at times hates it ,knows he is having to fall on his face at times to become more independent. He likes that I step back and allow him to handle things before jumping in and saving the day and I love being able to tell him I love his choices that day and am proud of him for the man he is becoming OR can discuss what happened and what he learned from experience if things did not go so well and being a boy I know I will experience emotions ,long before he comes out of cave to talk to me.
Great but...
So what does one do for their sons when the father is not strong or not there period? what do we do for the daughters to make sure they receive the love they may not get from their father ?or maybe they have father who teaches his daughter not to respect men,because he does not expect any? For that matter what about these dads with preteen girls(god bless you) and no mother to teach her how to act, but BM is a hag who smokes like a chimney and turns to 4 glasses,( oh why not have whole bottle) of wine every time her next BF leaves or a son who is looking to his mother to teach him what to expect from women and she nags constantly and sits around expecting to be taken care of ?
Like Sasha said , we say No to stuff and make sure their aren't so many activities we drive them and ourseleves crazy ,but yes to time with them and if streched for time, best thing we can do is listen when we are there, listen and respond in way that makes them feel safe to talk to us again next time.
,we parents who fall just as easily in trap of that child has it, I want mine too also. Well at end of day , what charecteristics do we want our children to have? The one maybe that says if she only likes me more becasue I dress like that it is her problem, or better yet a child who simply says it is ok to speak my own mind and thoughts, can say no when others pressure me becasue I choose to.
I think it Frog44 said it best, again it comes down to respect, for others but also themselves.Could it be the golden rule is the answer to the universe? LOL

klinder180's picture

My parents always told me that I was supposed to act the same way regardless of where I was at.

With the Ex gf's kids they acted okay at school -- it was at home or when mom and dad were present....

My daughter pretty much acts the same, although I will admit to being too lenient of a parent.


stired_crazy's picture

My son has faster acceptance to my B.F then his children had to me,
B.M fills SK heads with alot of crap,while us women who end up with these men with children promote good relationship with our new men.

My man went through the whole guilt thing( BAD), to the point he felt guilty about tring tobe a father figure to my son( its worked out now) but it was pure hell.
I feel B.M play a VERY big role in behavior

" This is not the life I ordered".