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Marketing Questions:

need2vent's picture

You guys are from here, there and everywhere, so I could greatly use your opinions?

This is strictly a marketing:"how do you see it?" questions, but I need the help, for 2 projects I am working on.

Is pissed a crude/ bad/ accepted word for you?
If you heard of cards by a company called
(pissed off women)
( pissed off people cards)
would you be curious to read?

If you heard the name TOUCHUP TIN? What would you imagine the product was?
Thank you for any input!


jaded's picture

I love it!!! Personally I would be interested but (and marketing is my business) it depends on who you perceive your target market to be. With "pissed off" I would assume a niche market. If you want a broader audience perhaps if you needed to spell out your acronym you could put "p*ssed off" or "pee-ed off". As far as sounding, POP!CARDS pissed off people... flows better. POW is most commonly used for prisoners of war - but hey would be great if your targeting steppmoms!!!!! hahaha

There is a lot more I could say about it.... pm me if you like....

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein

need2vent's picture

Thanks for answering , I doubted this would be a topic of interest to anyone but me! LOL I had thought of the prisoners of war as well which is why I felt it important to include ! and have no space between the words otherwise.
Pissed is not a well accepted word around here,I like idea of spelling differntly or pee-ed, that is greaet ,thank you.
Ofcourse there is larger market with people term.
I really need a name for a product I am considering manufacturing, they exist but are not marketed well at all, so much so I thought of , having never seen one, and it is something everyone of my gf would purchase, so would love to see if there is anything in it.
thanks again!!

jaded's picture

I dont know what the product specifically is but if there is something similiar on the market make sure you do not infringe on any copyrights - but if your product is different enough you may want anyone you talk to about it sign a non-disclosure to protect your product until it is launched.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein

stepwitch's picture

marketing business and all, But if you are talking about like greeting cards for pissed off - how about (FUBU = for us by us)
POSM = Pissed Off Step Moms or POSW - Pissed Off Step Witches

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

stepwitch's picture

off of my ideas, please just pay SD college LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

stepwitch's picture

off of my ideas, please just pay SD college LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

need2vent's picture

actually hoping to appeal to those who are generally happy but perhaps in a situation that causes for a little hostility, anger, resentment, hurt, if only because they are normal,
difference is because they are generally healthy people they are looking for any dang reason to laugh at present situation, if that makes sense?