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msc1120's Blog

Guilty Dad Syndrome Yet Again!!

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So many emotions going on right minute I'm sad and hurt that my marriage is ending, then the next I'm pissed that my DH is such a complete idiot when it comes to SS13. Talking to him earlier, just chatting, trying to be nice I ask what he got SS13 for Christmas, and low and behold he tells me a Kindle Fire. It took every bit of will power I had to keep my filter in place and say "Oh, wow that's great he'll really like that". What I was really thinking was you are such a DUMBASS!! First of all you're wasting your time trying to by the ungrateful little brats love.

I've Tried

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I've tried my best and let go of the resentment I had towards my SS and BM, it's just not worth it. SS is really a good kid and deep down I love him, I just let stupid bull$#!* keep me from seeing that and now I've lost him and DH. DH says he'll always have doubts about me resenting SS, which I can completely understand. I've told DH that I know it will be hard but I feel deep down we will regret not trying to save our marriage, he refuses to even try. That's what hurts the most is that he can just give up so easily.

Guilty Dad Syndrome

msc1120's picture

I'm at a complete loss now and am so confused I don't know which way is up. DH and I are separated because I told him I resented SS13 because of BM. I know his child's well being has to come first and this may sound selfish, but what about me?
