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someone please help

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I just need someone, ANYONE, to tell me, it's not that important.

My family is not really SS9's family anyway. Go have a good time with my sister and nieces and nephews and bring MY daughter along and encourage her relationship with her cousins.

I just want to LET IT GO. I just don't want it to turn into a monster fight with DH.

I just don't want to care.


I could leave for this....

mommawowa's picture

You know that feeling, when you get so pissed, you just have no way of responding...even in an angry manner?

I KNEW she would be an ass about us picking up SS9 tomorrow. We politely dropped him off super early the other day when it was her day to get him back.

What does DH do? Text her: "What's a good time to get SS9?"

Darth Vader's response? : "Anytime after 2 would be good."


I'm sorry for the language.

DH knows I'm super pissed.

why do I keep expecting Darth Vader to be fair?

mommawowa's picture

So we're trying to get to a schedule where one parent has 3 days, then the other parent 1, then back to the first for 3 days, then the other parent for 3 days....anyway... A VERY FAIR SCHEDULE.

Of course there's a problem. Drop off and pick up times.

Darth Vader is suspended without pay from her work right now. (ha! another story...) DH is working his tail off. I am off for the summer (yay for being a teacher!).

I can't even get my hair cut the way I want to.

mommawowa's picture

Why? I'm afraid I would look too similar to Darth Vader.

It's so stinking hot already and I just want to chop my hair off for the summer. But Darth Vader keeps her hair short (although her's is stick straight and mine is super curly...but I sometimes straighten it).

Is this silly of me to be worried about? Perhaps.

Not like we're hardly ever around each other (especially since there are no sports for SS9 to play over the summer, thankyouJesusbytheway.


mommawowa's picture

So the new schedule is working out pretty well so far.

SS9 was at BM's this morning. Apparently he was playing video games with step-brother. His Step-dad, Darth Vader's humble minion, told the boys to turn it off (he wanted to watch a game on t.v.). Apparently, SS9 slammed his controller down, and said to step-dad, can't you just go watch in your room on your own t.v.?

So BM is pissed at him, barely said bye to SS9 when we picked him up from her (none of them really said anything to him...poor guy).

A New Schedule = A New Way of Life....hopefully.

mommawowa's picture

So, I've posted before about how the custody arrangement is so wack-a-doo. It's 50/50, but it's never the same days. And of course DH hates talking to Darth Vader, so he waits until the last possible minute to know. Last week, he was gone from Monday night until Thursday communication whatsoever with Darth Vader. Until Thursday "are you picking SS9 up from horse camp Friday afternoon?". I mean, seriously! How are we supposed to make any plans for OUR life? DH is just as much to blame though.


mommawowa's picture


School ended Friday. SS9 is already signed up for his first (I'm sure of many) day camps starting tomorrow. Horse camp. I'm pretty sure the kid has never ridden in his whole entire life. Fine whatever. Darth Vader's hubby's grandmother wanted to pay for SS9 and her two great-grandkids (SS9's stepbrothers) to go. I'm sure the kid will have fun.

Anyway. We have SS9 today. For the past more than 4 hours, DH has been getting RIDICULOUS text messages from Darth.

"Please don't forget about the camp tomorrow." DH: ok.

"Do you know where to go?"

must repeat: I'm not a parent, either!

mommawowa's picture

So, even though it's 50/50 custody, I just feel like we don't get to see SS9 all that much.

And DH lets him go off and spend the night with his cousin, even though they're going to be together for the entire afternoon and into the evening for said cousin's birthday party (the kids are going to a baseball game and then coming to the house to swim).
