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must repeat: I'm not a parent, either!

mommawowa's picture

So, even though it's 50/50 custody, I just feel like we don't get to see SS9 all that much.

And DH lets him go off and spend the night with his cousin, even though they're going to be together for the entire afternoon and into the evening for said cousin's birthday party (the kids are going to a baseball game and then coming to the house to swim).

I just don't get it. We barely get weekend time with him (I feel) and then he just lets him go off and spend the night. Sad


PeopleAreStrange's picture

Well, to be fair if it was really 50/50- if neither parent let him go anywhere because they only had him sometimes, the kid would have no life. Kids do need time with friends and family.

cant win for losin's picture


i have 50/50 and the EX wouldn't let the kids go anywhere on his weeks. "cause i only see you every other week." well guess whose time it really started cutting in to because they could only see their friends on MY weeks. Yup, my time. Soo, I had to start telling the kids, "no you can't stay at your friends house, cause you stayed there last time on my week, BUT your friend can stay here this time." Smile

Now I have teenagers, and I remember those days. The days where you preferred to hang with friends versus family. So I pick and choose my battles. If we aren't doing anything then why not let them go? We would just be sitting at home anyway. Kids on their toys, me tending to baby, etc...If we are doing something, then sometimes it's a no. sometimes the friend can come along. sometimes the kids don't have to come along.