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so mad I could throw up.

mommawowa's picture

I'm shaking.

They (Darth Vader and her minion husband) have no respect.

They've already signed SS9 up for football. He is a foot shorter than the shortest kid in class, every year. He played football two years ago and was not literally "killed" on the field. He is not made for football!!!!! Besides the 4 day a week practice schedule and games on Saturdays.

She had her husband text mine to "get his opinion" on SS9 playing. "his only reason to not play is because he's scared."

Turns out, his next text laid it all out there, "we hope he will change his mind once practice starts".

So you've already fucking signed him up!? What a bunch of assholes. How rude to even text (and to let the step-dad who WE NEVER FUCKING SPEAK TO) text and I'm not allowed to even text SS9 anymore just to say hey. BUT SHE'S ALLOWED TO TEXT 30 FUCKING TIMES IN 20 MINUTES WHEN WE ARE ON THE WAY TO DROP HIM OFF?!?!?!?!?

I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.

Why am I still here? Why am I still alive? I don't want to leave my husband. But why does he let them run all over him??!?!?!?!!?


sometimesmomof123kids's picture

My SS's BM told DH for years that I had no say in anything because I was not the BM or BD, but as soon as she got with a man who wanted input, it was "He has a say because he is in SS's life too"! BM's are irrational and mine only goes along with her current BF in how she parents, how she treats DH, what activities they like, the church they go to, everything. Severely Bi-Polar, depressed and maybe some more diagnoses on top and refuses to take her meds. She signed SS up for soccer and boy scouts due to one of her BF's (which he enjoyed) but refused to sign him up for football which he begged for, DH loves, and would have paid for. He moved in with us, we joined him up, but by then he was too computer lazy and hated all the practice time.

I would not worry about it so much. Let your DH tell BM to give it a couple weeks and if SS hates it, they shouldn't force him. He didn't choose to sign up so they aren't teaching him a lesson in following through on commitment, they are merely either doing this because her BF likes Football and wants to have something to bond with SS activity (which is a nice idea in theory if not in execution) or wants to toughen SS up (which I think is not cool at all). He should choose something SS likes and bond through those things.

Again, just my opinion...