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Mother’s Day approaching.

MissK03's picture

With Mother's Day approaching this weekend I wonder what fun and eventful things BM has planned to do with her kids to celebrate this special day. Let's have a recap of what has happened the past few years.

2016: I'm pretty sure they were with her (when it was EOWE) I don't really remember as it was only 6 months into my relationship with SO.

2017: we were away in FL with skids so it was awkward because everyone was wishing me a happy Mother's Day.

2018: picked skids up, brought them to Dunkin' Donuts, talked about court (classy right) then brought them home.

2019: picked skids brought them to Dunkin' Donuts and brought them home.

2020: nothing because of "COVID" and "there is no where really to go" I mean.... she could have done dunkin again..

Not sure what the boys work schedules are for Sunday but, we will see.. Maybe a traditional Dunkin run will be in order LOL. 

This post is meant for comic relief.


JRI's picture

They'll always remember Mother's Day at Dunkin!  Precious memories!  Lol.

caninelover's picture

I love Dunkin but that's almost as good as claiming Vegan on Thanksgiving and then going to Boston Market the next day.  ROFL.

Well Bratty McBratFace was going to spend her whole week with Grandma and was going to cook her a 'special' (read: gross) dinner and spend Mother's Day with Grandma McBratFace.

Until Grandma McBratFace cancelled due to 'anxiety' ahead of Bratty's visit.

Bratty 'values family' and has now inserted herself into her Aunt's Mother's Day brunch (Saturday before -  Aunt is a nurse and works Sundays).

So no idea what Bratty will do the actual Sunday of Mother's Day.  Probably burn me in effigy for not wanting to be her stepmother.  LOL.


advice.only2's picture

So I was watching a TikTok last night and it reminded me of Bratty. It was a man complaining to a waiter that there were bacon bits in his Mac and Cheese and he couldn't eat it because he's Vegan. The waiter explained that they weren't bacon bits, but bread crumbs sprinkled on top, but did the man not understand that Mac and Cheese is not Vegan?

caninelover's picture

Bratty's long lost twin? LOL

MissK03's picture

look up the vegan teacher on tik tok. Woman is a lunatic. SD told me she got banned but, her videos are still around. 

ndc's picture

Mother's Day falls on BM's weekend this year.  I have no idea what they'll be doing or if she or the Golden Goose has anything planned.  Last year Mother's Day was also on BM's weekend, but she dropped the SDs off at our house in the early afternoon because they wanted to bring me Mother's Day cards, and they ended up staying.  I never did figure out if she was being nice (she and DH are amicable) or if she had something she wanted to do without the skids.