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Milomom's Blog

HOLY CRAP!! FDH is actually starting to grow balls with skids and BM!! Am I dreaming??

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So, as all of you may or may not know, my FDH tends to be the "ostrich" type of parent with skids and also in his dealings with BM and the MASSIVE CS$$ he pays her. He just sits back and pays MASSIVE CS$$ to BM (even though we share 50/50 custody of skids with her) to the tune of $1,600/mo. for 2 kids!!

Yesterday, there was not ONE, but actually TWO instances where FDH actually stood up for himself and/or did something to PARENT skids!! To keep this post brief, I'll just mention one of the instances.

Massive CS$$ to BM blues...can anyone relate? How did you handle all the years of massive CS?

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Sigh...maybe I have the winter blues or am becoming impatient. I need some of my ST buddies to help me out with a little bit of positivity here.

Anyone out there sometimes feel like the massive CS$ (translation: legalized extortion) paid to the BM/exW will NEVER END?? My FDH has been faithfully paying his CS every 2 weeks like a freakin Swiss Army watch (total about $1,600/mo. for 2 kids even though we SHARE TRUE 50/50 PHYSICAL & LEGAL CUSTODY of skids with BM) for about 5-6 yrs. now. There is FSD16 & FSS13.

Massive CS$$ to BM and a nice story of a father FINALLY standing up for himself to skids...after 6.5 years of silence!!!!!

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Just wanted to share with all of you, my ST friends, a SMALL but important story about my FDH & how he is SLOWLY starting to "clue fskids in" about the MASSIVE CS$$ he pays BM/his exW. For those of you that don't know this background, my FDH pays over $1600/month (plus 90% of all "extras" and unreimbursed medical/dental expenses) for 2 kids that we share true 50/50 joint physical & legal custoday with his exW/BM!!

Engagement ring in the near future for Milomom?? How did YOU handle it? - UPDATE

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UPDATE on 11/17/2010: WE ARE ENGAGED!!!! He took me out of town over this past weekend and proposed!!! Very surprising and romantic - and the ring is beautiful!! I can't believe it - I'm still in such SHOCK!!! It's about time!!!!


Score one for us SM's - a BM that actually CARES about how she speaks to a SM

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I just wanted to be able to share something fairly POSITIVE involving my relations with BM with all of you here on StepTalk, in the hopes that it will prove to at least ONE of my step-buddies here that it's not ALL a lost cause ALL the time in this crazy world we call stepparenting.

I received a text message from BM today. Important note: We have NEVER texted each other EVER before and we rarely ever talk directly to each other, unless it is a cordial "hello" or something at a pick up/drop off - this is over 6+ years!!

Anyone have a DH/BF/SO that literally does EVERYTHING for their 16 yo. daughter...even filling out JOB APPLICATIONS??? (Poll)

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This has to be one of the strangest things yet that my BF has done involving skids.

I came home from work and my BF was sitting at the kitchen table, using the laptop computer, struggling through filling out online job applications...for over 2 hours. SD16 was sitting on the living room couch, ignoring my BF - not helping, not participating, not a care in the world what my BF was doing.

What's so strange about this? you are wondering...

Hint: My BF already has a full-time job and doesn't need another one...

Any takers???

CONFRONTING the big, bad BM - have you ever done it and what was the outcome?? (Poll)

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Just wondering if anyone out there has actually ever CONFRONTED a BM about anything the BM has done that is just plain WRONG and what the outcome was? Did things get any better? Much worse? I'm talking about not only the usual "annoyances", but also about major subjects, such as long-term alienation of the kids against their father, etc... Topics include:

CS$$$ and unappreciative BM's - anyone else have these issues???

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OK, so this one can be filed away in the "greedy BM with no conscience and no appreciation" folder.

Recently, my BF has spent large sums of money on skids in a very short period of time, in addition to what he normally spends on them (and in addition to the massive CS $$ he pays his exW) - I will list some examples:

1. SS26 just got married and my BF paid for the entire wedding rehearsal dinner (with the prior understanding from his exW/BM that they would each pay 1/2 the cost) - cost: about $1,000.00, of which BF has not received BM's 1/2 from her yet.
