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Looks like this will be a yearly thing

marika's picture

My last post was almost one year ago and it is still basically the same old crap. You would think that adult SKs wouldn't cause as many problems, but then again, you would assume that adults would be able to take care of themselves, wouldn't you! I get so tired of hearing from DH how proud he is of SD for being so responsible that I could just puke. He thinks that because she has her own place and is going to school that everything is fantastic. And when you read sentences like that it does sound good on the surface, but let me state a few more details.

First, yes she does have her own place and for that I am glad. She also has a part-time job and is going to school, which is also good. However, she also eats out 90% of the time, bought herself a new cell phone to text easier, runs up a $100 text bill and plans to buy a Wii for her and her son for Christmas. Why is this an issue? Well, DH and I just had to use MY bonus check to pay for HER transmission problems because in over 2 years she has saved NO MONEY. Oh, we will supposedly get the money back when she gets her income tax refund but why did we have to fork over the whole amount?

Second, the car is a typical issue. DH makes a big deal about how she never asks us for money, but he doesn't seem to notice that she makes damn sure that she mentions any problem she has that costs money. She knows full well that he will offer her a loan. Yeah, she has been repaying all of the money and has paid her cellphone bill, but for me it is the principle of the thing. My God, she is 22 years old and has a child! At some point, shouldn't she realize that she has to save some money and take care of her problems herself? Her dad and I have bills and a life, too and I would like to be able to keep our money for our emergencies. We have not been able to really keep our savings where it should be, thanks in large part to SD.

Why don't I say something to DH, you ask? Most of you already know the answer. I get very tired of being the bad guy. Yes, he asks me if I mind, but what am I supposed to say? If I had said no to the car, she would have had to use ours. We only have one.

I just needed to get this off my chest. If you read this, thanks for listening.



Sia's picture

just wants to continue enabling her and until that stops, it will never end.

marika's picture

It really is classic guilt parenting, but he won't change and I know it. He even knows it, but he just won't stop because he never got to be a dad to his girls.

The sad thing is that she will not have any problems leaving him out of everything once things start going well for her again. When she had a boyfriend, she only called him or came to visit if she needed something.