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Can you get whiplash from being jerked around like this?

marika's picture

In my post about DH today, I had added the [ahem] wonderful news [choking on sarcasm] that SD#2, her DH and son were probably coming for a visit. Well, she called tonight and DH told her that Monday really wasn't good as no one would actually be in the house most of the time from Mon - Thurs. He asked if they could switch to Thurs., but she said they had plans with her inlaws. Then she said (and I heard it because she was on speakerphone) "Fine. If you don't want us to visit, we just won't come in." That led to a huge fight and for now, they aren't coming.

I am a bit torn right now. I am so relieved that they aren't coming I could jump for joy, but DH is very angry and hurt by her actions. He never told her she wasn't wanted here. He simply said that this was not a good time. She hadn't called in over 2 weeks and he has told her before that my schedule is very full, so we need more than 2 days notice for a visit. (We couldn't even go to her wedding because she planned it for March and I was out of town with a school function on that day, even though it was a Saturday.) As he pointed out, she was able to find a way to call him every day for a week and a half to bug him to send her money, but we didn't hear from her once she got it (we didn't even know if she had gotten it.) She said she didn't have a phone - she sure had one to call to ask for money. I feel badly for him, and I feel guilty for being glad that I won't have to deal with 3 more people in our house.


marika's picture

I have been very good today. We talked a little about it and he is quite fed up with her. We had to call his ex today because we got news this morning that his uncle had passed away and the ex was kinda close to his family (as close as someone with no heart can be - oops that was my visible typing!! ;)) and she told him that SD#2 had already called her, crying about how mean he had been. He told her his side, but he is not really too concerned about it.

I have told him several times in the last 2 days that I am about ready to explode from stress. Today was ok, but I would have loved to stay away from the house a bit longer. Couldn't be done though...had to babysit. Ah well.

Hugs back,