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OK, my independence day from SD will be this weekend but that's ok

marika's picture

She is in the process of moving her stuff to her new place. I feel like such a mean person, but I honestly can't wait until she is out of here. Our bills will go down, I will be able to buy treats for DH and me again without her eating them all before we even get a taste, DH and I can enjoy a quiet evening watching TV or go out in the middle of the day if we want, I will have my quiet weekend mornings back...ok, it won't be quite this blissful because there will be the occasional and I do stress OCCASIONAL babysitting favors, but still!

I was so afraid that I wouldn't have any kind of vacation time this summer and that DH and I would not get any time to enjoy each other and our home. I can't believe the sheer joy and relief I am feeling at this moment.


Soniagood's picture

COngratulations on your new found freedom! My SD just graduated and took off last week and while we were starting to get along better, it sure is nice to have her gone. I love her but sadly enough it is just peaceful to not have the stress of waiting for the next confrontation.
Isn't it a great feeling? Kinda like a million pound weight has been lifted off your shoulders? I am just praying for the day when my SS hits the bricks.... 4 years and counting....
Have a great summer!