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Why do I bother?

Mantra_Momma's picture

For the longest time I wasn't doing SD7's laundry as a sort of sign of protest and doing only the things I absolutely had to do for her because she never shows any appreciation for anything I do. The last few times I've done her laundry because I felt bad that DH would have to do it after having a busy day at work. After doing SD's laundry yesterday I left the folded clothes on her bed for her to put away, which I always do. I assumed this meant she put them away before going to bed last night. I went in her room today and saw the clean shirts just lying on the floor! Apparently last night she just put everything on the floor I had just cleaned and started putting it away this morning. Why not just put it away right away before bed? It takes 5 minutes! I'm sure he didn't notice but I wish DH had seen it last night when he put SD to bed. It seems kind of petty to tell him about it later. That's why I'm so glad I have you guys.


ChaiLatte's picture

Kids at that age aren't going to show a lot appreciation. At that age they feel like the things done for them are owed to them. Their mothers do it without thinking about it or expecting appreciation, and they expect other women in their life to be the same way. They don't realize how much work it is to take care of them and just expect things have always been that way, and always will I was annoyed when DH pointed this out to me, but its the truth. SS was complaining about something or another I wasn't doing. I was trying to explain to him how this was the first time in my life I had so much responsibility, and it was hard to get used to. So most of the time, I'm spread so thin I don't have the time or energy to put on a big smile and shower SS with attention. I'm a little too busy picking up after him, washing his clothes, helping with homework, feeding him, running errands for him, planning my life around him, etc. etc. He told me that SS was used to all these things being done for him his whole life, and wouldn't realize how much I did for him until he was much older and had to do these things for himself.

fedupstepdad's picture

SD is 7 and you expect her to put folded clothes away? Seriously? My darling SD (overflowing with sarcasm here) is 11 and cant remember to turn of her (*$#&@(^$@# light when she leaves her room. I think you are aiming too high Mantra Mamma...lmao! But seriously, kids don't realize until they themselves have to do it what kind of responsibility it is to cook, clean and do laundry. How about possibly setting up some chores? Start off with something easy like brining hamper down to wash room or sorting clothes. I know this is hard to do at all with kids, especially Skids, but it may be something you and your DH should look into. My SD11 has been feeling pretty bad lately because her 5yo sister and 3 year old twin brothers have been able to play in the family room, while she hasn't been, because they don't forget to clean up after themselves. Shes banned until she can show me that she's responsible for herself. Good Luck!

stepmom2one's picture

IDK my SD does this too. She just turned 10, I have to tell her "you can't leave to play with friends till the clothes are put away" I think this may be a kids thing. Not that it doesn't bug me, but kids will be kids.

My 3 yr old folds his clothes, hangs them up and picks out/dresses himself. So it is not that they can't do it, just that they are lazy. Shrug it off, there are bigger fish to fry.

buttercup123's picture

Oh well, then leave her stupid clothes on teh floor. If she wants to walk around with wrinkled clothes so be it! Her problem!

I bought my SD an entire back to school wardrobe and last week she wore the same crappy (bought by BM) outfit to school two days in a row. Why? Because she couldn't find anything in her giant closet to wear. As if. Kids are lazy. I won't enable it!!