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I have pretty much decided to leave

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After DH's blowup on the weekend, it became pretty clear to me that nothing with DH and SD7 is never going to change. The next night DH calmed down and tried to explain more of what he had said, which is what I liked that he didn't do when he got upset and let it all hang out. Anyway, in the end he still said the same's up to me for any changes to happen with SD7, all the crap she pulled the last 2 years I'm supposed to let go and make her feel better, etc...which makes it clear to me that DH will always defend her no matter what happens.

DH made his decision

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Last night DH kept asking me if something was wrong. It was a small thing so I hadn't said much when it happened but since he kept asking I finally told him that it bothered me no one bothered to ask my opinion about what's happening with SD7 today since she has the day off school. When I asked last night if any plans had been made or what was going on, DH said he talked to his mom and everyone was just going to wake up on their own time before I took SD7 over there.

Why do kids think adults are stupid?

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This morning when I went into the kitchen to tell SD7 it was time to go to school, she had barely touched her breakfast. When I asked her why, she thought about it for a few seconds (always the tell that she's about to lie) and said she had just gotten upstairs to the table. I told her I knew that wasn't true because I heard her come up.

Probably wrong but need to vent anyway

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DH and I met with the counselor that was referred to us for SD7. She asked us all about SD7, each of our relationships with her, what's going on at home, etc. The minute the counselor started asking questions specifically to me I knew it was over. I used to have a fine relationship with SD7 until she started pulling all her crap of ignoring me, not listening, avoiding me, talking to her dad like I don't exist, the list goes on. So now of course I want pretty much nothing to do with her. I could only keep trying and be rejected for so long.


Mantra_Momma's picture

I had to take my baby girl to emergency tonight because she was running a high fever. I called her doctor and he said to take her to the hospital. Everything is okay. The doctor said to give her some tylenol and lots of fluids. Hopefully she will sleep through the night as usual so she feels a bit better in the morning.

Was I talking to myself?

Mantra_Momma's picture

Last night I was already frustrated when DH and SD7 got home because baby girl was having a fuss day. DH starts letting baby girl pet and pull on one of our cats, and I ask him to not do that because earlier in the day I was having a really hard time getting baby girl to be gentle with the cats so I would just like him to leave it alone. What does DH do while I'm sitting right there? Let baby girl pull on the cat!! Like he must know better and I did something wrong earlier.

Isn't SD too old for this?

Mantra_Momma's picture

I went downstairs this morning to start laundry and SD7's bedding is in the washer because she wet the bed AGAIN. Am I wrong or isn't 7 years old way too old to be wetting the bed this often. I'd say it happens at least once every 2 weeks. We know there isn't a medical problem because DH took SD7 to the doctor a while ago about it. SD7 was going to the bathroom multiple times a day at school so the teacher was concerned. Turns out SD7 is just fine, it's her attention span and discipline to stay in the classroom that need some work.

What if things are okay and that still isn't enough?

Mantra_Momma's picture

Maybe not enough isn't the right wording...I see DH trying and we're going to counseling and I'm trying to keep an open mind when DH says that SD7 is trying even though I can tell she's just doing what she thinks she should. Deep down I'm not sure that I will ever get back to who I used to be, that DH and I won't be back to where we used to be. What do you do when things are much better than they used to be and yet you're still not happy?

Semi Follow-up to "Keep Trying" post

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If you read my previous post about DH being upset that my mom doesn't want to babysit SD7, this is sort of a follow-up. I knew DH wasn't happy about it but I thought he had let it go. If not, at least try to deal with it and move on. I guess last night he was telling SD7 that DH and I are going out tonight so she will be staying with her grandma. She asked where Ava (our baby girl) is staying, and DH told her that my mom is coming over to stay with her so she can stay home. Of course SD asked why, and I already forget what DH told her.
