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Sorry...I have to vent about BM...and how FH "deals" with her...

Manda's picture

So, we all know how the swine flu has been going around and the skids have had many school mates out of school because of it. Actually my lil bro had the swine flu two weeks ago and the skids were around him all weekend. So, FH and I had a STOMACH flu yesterday and his ex called at the LAST minute tonight to say she wanted US to keep the kids for another night because FH and I were sick last night so she wouldn't get sick... I'm majorly pissed because bm called at the last minute to ask us to keep the kids for the extra night and FH and I had she doesn't see a problem with having her kids when she knows over 200 kids have had the flu in the schools... I really want to just to go and cough and throw my germs on the kids belongings just so BM will get sick too...just to teach her a lesson.


Storm76's picture

What was the answer to BM? I hope it was, 'no, sorry, we have plans'. Sounds to me more like an excuse rather than a reason as kids come into contact with so many germs all the time, parent's immune systems have to learn to cope!

Kb3Hooah's picture

Seriously? So does she ask the teachers to keep the kids overnight, because well, the kids have been exposed to all kinds of sickness there?? That is crazy. I would've said no, and sent home a face mask to her.

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

now4teens's picture

So what WAS FHs answer???

A firm "NO" I hope! Follwed by an email link to the CDCs website on the prevention of the flu (and knowing the DIFFERENCES between N1H1 and the simple stomach flu! *dumbass*!)

Our BM is the same way- a complete hypochondriac (nutjob), who is sent into a complete tizzy by the slightest sniffle. But ultimately, she wants to use it as an excuse to shirk her responsibilities of having the kids with her as much as possible.

In the past, DH used to buy it, too, and take the kids whenever she 'beckoned'. Not any more! Deal with those big, scary GERMS!!!!