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Am I totally wrong if I don't want FH to come home tonight?

Manda's picture

I seriously don't want FH to come home tonight just so I tell HIS kids that he went out with his buddies today and got screwed up and didn't come home. I will say that I was out with him earlier in the day but I had my lil bro and his girlfriend babysitting for HIS kids but I made sure I was home in time to tuck HIS kids in bed AND make their lunches. I'm REALLY irritated right now cuz he was supposed to be home right after me but now it's 4 hours later and he still isn't home...


Manda's picture

OH I'm saying something....especially since it's SS's bday!! I just think it's shitty that he can't keep his crap together for HIS son and daughter! FH came home tonight and was thinking he was going to get laid and I finally screamed "NO CUZ I HAVE TO GET UP WITH YOUR KIDS IN THE MORNING!". That didn't stop him from trying so I left the bed...and went to the couch. After I was trying to fall asleep on the uncomfortable couch I said screw this and went up in bed again...why should I have to sleep on the couch when I didn't do anything wrong??? FH is naked right now and totally exposed so I'm thinking when the skids come in the bedroom in the morning they will get the show of their life and hopefully skids will see what staying out all night can do to you. This is a "GREAT" example for the skids to see....especially since they want to come live with us....don't you think?

LotusFlower's picture

I'm confused....u guys had visitation of yur FH's kids and u both went out..u had yur lil bro babysit....u came home to tuck them in and he stayed out?....I would seriously think about marrying this man, Manda, unless of course it doesn't bother you that he doesn't seem to make his children a priority....I truly hope u didn't allow skids to see their father drunk and naked...I would hope that for their sake, not his, u would cover him up....I'm not so sure I would dedicate my life to a man and his children if the man didn't seem to make his children a priority...keep in mind that a step situation can change at any given moment...I went from EOW to 24/7 and I never planned for that...if he doesn't want to spend time with them during visitation, what will happen if u have full custody?

A mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....