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I went out tonight without FH and had a great time!

Manda's picture

So, I was majorly pissed earlier today because I found out that FH went to his buddy's house after work to have a couple of beers and to help him move a hottub. All would've been good but we have his kids this apparently while he was at his buddy's house (and I thought he was still working at the time) he called me asking if I could take his son to BM's house to pick up his football crap for practice...yeah, no problem...even though I have an anxiety attack every time I'm around her because I despise her so much... Then he calls me a little later and asks me if I can take his son to practice because he was just on his way home...then says oh, do you just want to meet me at the bar for a cocktail after you drop him off? I say ok because my plans were already ruined because he didn't come home on time...I was supposed to go to a car show to vote on my dad's truck... So, I made sure to take FH's truck and use his gas and mileage to schlup HIS kid around...I meet FH for a drink and then find out he was actually not working but at his buddy's house...I was sooo pissed! I told him did you forget that I had plans tonight? Ohhhh, he says I'm sorry...well why don't you go now? No, it's too late now...says I... Well while we were sitting there I get a text from my bro asking me to go out so I tell FH and he (probably feeling guilty) says go out with him. I told him no....we have the kids this weekend and I don't want to feel like crap tomorrow....he I went out. I'm so glad I did! My bro and I saw so many friends we haven't seen in a while and it was a little getaway from FH and skids! Even better is that I went grocery shopping on FH's debit card earlier in the day and still had it when I went out so my night out was all on his dollar and he doesn't even know it yet....LOL! I'm not feeling guilty or wrong or bad because I found out tonight by running into one of FH's buddies that the story FH told me about tonight with moving the hottub wasn't completely true. Don't lie or screw with me because I will ALWAYS find a way to get back at you...haha...FH even paid for my bro's $70 taxi ride home but doesn't know it yet.


2Bloved's picture

Why didn't you tell your FH that you had plans? If he forgot, he forgot, but you didn't forget and should have mentioned it.
Your plans being ruined is as much your fault as his. I understand that you wanted to help b/c you thought he had to work and he did not disabuse you of that notion. This is assuming that he didn't know you thought he was at work, of course. But you could have still said no.

I'm also assuming you guys do not have joint accounts? He gave you the card in good faith to buy groceries, which you did, but then you used it to fund your fun night without his knowledge, then paid for your brothers taxi? Isn't that almost like stealing?

Manda's picture

I DID tell FH that I had plans...well in advance plus reminded him the night before and in the morning when he left for work. We do have seperate accounts but both use each others debit/credit cards and share bills so in my eyes it isn't stealing at all. He actually makes more money so if I go out on his dime sometimes especially when he insists on me going out...I won't feel bad. Don't get me wrong...I did tell him and was planning on telling him all along... He wasn't mad or anything...he was happy that I had a good time and glad that my bro got home ok.