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I dread when it's our weekend with the skids...

Manda's picture

I'm not not used to having kids around so when the skids are around I'm stressed to no end! They leave their crap out...they want sleep overs every night although they won't have sleep overs at their BM's house or sleep over at their friend's houses... I always feel like I have to look after not only the skids but their friends too. I'm already a baby-sitter for the skids...why do I have to be a friggin baby-sitter for their friends too??? I signed up for a man with kids which I thought he didn't have that much 'contact' with but it's coming out to be a lot more contact that I thought it was brought to me in the beginning. I love my man to death, however I just don't know if I can handle dealing with the skids. When they aren't around, times are GREAT...but when they are around times are tough.


soverysad's picture

Tell dh no sleepovers unless he is home and is going to actively participate in observation and discipline. And make them put their own stuff away. Here is the rule at my house: If you don't put it away, it will disappear! After "losing" several things, they'll figure it out.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!