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MamaRed's Blog

Oh she's just trying to help...

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Cleaned out SD's closet and reorganized everything in it. I spent a lot of time on it. So then I walk in today and she had pulled every last thing out of it and put it all in the middle of her bedroom floor. I swear she does these things just to piss me off. And caught an attitude when I asked her what she was doing that for.

Fathers day

MamaRed's picture

So the SD is here this weekend for fathers day. I asked my husband what he wanted to do today and he said he wanted to grill steaks. Well a few weeks ago we decided to decorate our bedroom with a vintage car theme (his idea). I bought him a bunch of vintage car ads online and was going to have them framed for fathers day. So today me and the SD decided we were going to paint the bedroom and hang up all of the car stuff and then we would all sit down and eat some delicious steaks. Well just as this plan was put in place, controlling MIL calls...