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Fathers day

MamaRed's picture

So the SD is here this weekend for fathers day. I asked my husband what he wanted to do today and he said he wanted to grill steaks. Well a few weeks ago we decided to decorate our bedroom with a vintage car theme (his idea). I bought him a bunch of vintage car ads online and was going to have them framed for fathers day. So today me and the SD decided we were going to paint the bedroom and hang up all of the car stuff and then we would all sit down and eat some delicious steaks. Well just as this plan was put in place, controlling MIL calls...

My husband tells her what we are doing because she has to know what's going on over here every second of every day. So he tells her and her first question is "well is this what SD (uses her name) wants to do?"

Are you kidding me??? It's fathers day. It doesn't matter what the little brat wants to do. We had planned to do something together for her father. MIL gets pissed and hangs up. And them texts my DH 5 minutes later thanking him for the invite...sarcastically.

I had just gotten over being pissed with her. Yesterday she finds out I had planned to go buy SD new clothes so she rushes in and decides she is just going to do it. She has to be in control of everything and obviously thinks I'm not capable of handling things for DH and SD.

I feel like an outsider looking in around here. MIL and SD come first before anything.

I just have so much anger towards them and it's eating me up. And it hurts my heart that MIL's childish ways have now ruined the day for DH. And SD could care less. She hasn't even told him happy fathers day yet. She's probably just happy now that we are not painting.