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Help me I need advice.

Mad_Sharp's picture

My SS9 and SD have panic attacks. Cause of the way there BG and BM respond and treat them. 
they have trouble communicating and have developed issues from this. I'm worried and don't know what to do other then just love them and hold them. BG and BM try to make me and DH think that they are saying they don't want to be with but really they are bullying and manipulating them. It's heartbreaking that they are having panic attacks and we are at a loose.


justmakingthebest's picture

My son has had panic attacks since he was a toddler. He was just kind of born that way, there was nothing traumatic in his life. 

We had a great counselor that taught us all kinds of exercises that helped. A therapist will also be able to help you navigate BM and GM. This is all very unhealthy and you probably need to get them professional help...