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Lulumay91's Blog

When a step child leaves.

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My SS has lived with us primarly and had visitation with his mom.  She had sent him live with us at 7 years old but kept his sister with her.  I helped my husband rasie him for 11 years. But for the last 4 years him and sister have been living with us 75% of the time.  Their mom sent my SD to live with us in 2020.  My SS has always told me ive been more of a mom to him then his own mom.

Bi Mom is such a thorn in the side!

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We have my step children 75% of the time.  We were already living 8 hrs apart from bio mom.  July 2023 bi mom decided to take a new job in another state that is an additional 3 hours away.  Bi mom served my DH modification petition.  She is requesting that child exchange be switched to halfway to her new home.  Also to lower child support since she is no longer working her second job. The child support form she filled is missing the health insurance paid by my DH.  Its included in the current child support.   6+ months went on and she didnt do anything with the case.

Need some pointers how to help step son.

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My SS is 17 with a processing disorder.  He's with us 75% of the time.  My DH and I try everything possible to help him.  No matter what we do doesn't seem to work.  He's failing 3 classes and claims he trying his hardest. He does have an iep for extra help.  My DH emailed his teachers and they are telling us a complete different story then what he's telling us.  He claims he's asking for help that he's just not understanding it and he's turning in his work  but the teachers arnt grading it.  Come to find out he's not asking the teachers for help.

When you want to tell the mother off!!

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My SS(17) and SD(14) live with us 75% of the time. We live in a different state then their mother.   I've wanted to go off on their mother for her bs she says.  Unfortunately I need to hold  back because it will get me no where.  She is getting on my last nerve.  She portrays our house to be this very unsafe place for the teens.   Telling my SS she fears he will commit suicide because she had a dream about it.  We have structure and discipline at our house. when I say discipline I'm talking about taking privileges away.  Our first choice is taking the phone away.

Teen SS can’t seem to listen and lies all the time

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My almost 17 year old SS can't seem to take accountability for his actions.  He is diagnosed PDDNOS but on the lighter scale. So he does know right from wrong. Here is the recent shit he's been doing. I told him he could not go on his walk until his chores were done.  A minute later he's gone and his chores weren't done.  He wanted to go annoy his sister at the bus stop I said chores need be done first.  He left shortly after and chores were not done.  His dad grounded him from his phone but we keep it out in case his mom calls.  He ended up taking the phone.

Not knowing if I should disengage

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My husband has two children from his ex 13 year old girl and 16 year old boy. We have a 6 year old together.   My SS has lived with us majority of the time since he was 7.  My SD lived with their mom.  My husband said he'd like my help and that I could help discipline when its needed.  I was fine with that because my SS was with us mostly.  As time went on I noticed my husband wasn't really caring what the kids did. When I would tell him why the kids lost their electronics he began getting annoyed that all he would hear about is the kids did this bad thing and he was tired of it.

Step mom of a 16 year old boy I’m concerned

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My husband has both his children 75% of the time.  So I'm by his side helping him. My SD 13 has been with us 3 years now and he just got primary Residential custody of her.  He's had PRC of his son since 2015 after the ex gave up residential custody of him. We live in different states 8 hrs apart.  I've had a great bond with my SS (now 16) since then but in the last year he has changed so much. He has a good life except he has divorced parents. It's impossible for my husband to coparent with his ex. She is diagnosed bipolar depressed. We noticed a change in my SS behavior.

Stepson and food

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I'm trying to keep my cool but I'm about to loose it. We go shopping on a weekly basis. We have a budget so usually I have a whole meal plan set up for the week.  The kids usually have breakfast and lunch at school.  Except my youngest she  takes lunch because she's picky.  We buy the kids their  own individual boxes of breakfast foods(waffles, toaster strudels, or cereal) it changes each week. We get the sausage pancake on stick because that what the youngest eats for breakfast before school.  Well on a Sunday morning my daughter was waiting for her breakfast to cool off.

Custody battle on the side lines so stressful

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Back in 2014 my husband divorced his now ex.  She got primary physical custody joint 50/50 of both children ages (daughter)4 and (son)7.  In 2015 the mother sent their son to live us because she couldn't handle him so she signed ppc over to my husband.  At that point the kids were separated.  He asked her multiple times about their daughter but she wouldn't send her too. We moved states because of job opportunities to do better for our family.  So we alternate summer and breaks. No child support due to equaling itself out  We Had a daughter together in 2016.