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When you want to tell the mother off!!

Lulumay91's picture

My SS(17) and SD(14) live with us 75% of the time. We live in a different state then their mother.   I've wanted to go off on their mother for her bs she says.  Unfortunately I need to hold  back because it will get me no where.  She is getting on my last nerve.  She portrays our house to be this very unsafe place for the teens.   Telling my SS she fears he will commit suicide because she had a dream about it.  We have structure and discipline at our house. when I say discipline I'm talking about taking privileges away.  Our first choice is taking the phone away.  Their moms pay for the phones so we always make sure they can still contact their mom on them or she contacts them.  She had got the kids new phones and since my SS old phone still works their mother told him to hide it incase he needs to call her if the other phone gets taken away.  She acts as if we don't allow them to contact her.  Heck they can call off Alexa if they wanted to. She's always telling the teens how scared she is because she don't feel they are safe.  Here's what really gets me.  We found out when my SS was 16 she was letting him drive with herself and his sister in the car. He has no experience or privilege to drive.  My SS is on the spectrum mostly a proccessing disorder.  He took drivers ed class in high school and failed it.  So no permit for him.  When they were 11 and 14 their mom worked a grave shift.  They got scare of a noise and grabbed the gun. She left where they can easily grab it.  Then there was a time my sc were telling us how they didn't have food at their moms and had to go to grandpas and eat expired food. Then we found that their mother let my SS try weed gummies.  She then left it out and he took more. It's 100% illegal in the state she's in.  So buys it from neighboring states at dispensaries while the kids wait in the car.  My DH was so livid and without proof we couldn't file contempt of court.  So we tried to get a report going through cps but of course it had been out of his system by then.  So here she is fearing for her childrens lives when they are with us because they have structure. while she's the one that teaching them to break laws.  She ask them to do something they don't so she just end up doing it.  The children believe in everything she says because she manipulates them to the fullest.  She had both children primary with 50/50 in the beginning.  She sent my SS to live with us when he was 7.  6 years later she sent my SD to live with us so the kids could be together.  Yet in her eyes and the children eyes my DH will always be the monster because he will not let them go live with her. We just finished court in 2023 to make it court ordered for my SD to be with us so their mom would stop threatening to take her back.   My SS chewed us out saying we only want them for the money.  In the beginning my DH paid CS but since she sent my SS it equaled itself out so there had been no CS until my SD living with us was finalized.  No matter how much were there and do for the children they don't wanna live with us because they have chores and at their moms they have freedom.  I can't imagine how my DH feels when his kids don't want to be with him all because the mother knows how to manipulate them.  If we raise our voice at them to get their attention it's the end of the world we are horrible monsters.  Yet their mom can come to our state get married here with out including them (all my SD would talk about I'm so excited to be maid of honor.) she constantly lies to them.  All that is okay tho they still look at her as a saint.  In the end my DH has to do what is in their best interest.  Clearly a judge thinks so too.   They may not like it but they will be 18 soon enough then they can do what they would like. 


ESMOD's picture

Has your husband considered family counseling for his kids and his relationship?  I get that it's tough when you have someone else trying to skew the narrative..maybe a counselor could help.. especially if there are concerns of self harm?

Lulumay91's picture

We were going to look into but with how much prices have gone up on bills food and gas we cant afford a counselor now.  We make too much for a free counseling. The crazy thing is my SS isn't even close to being a self harmful person.  Their mom puts this stuff in their head. All because he was he was having trouble finding a bf/gf he got sad then she deemed him depressed because she worked at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.  We had him assessed and dr said he's not depressed As soon has he met a girl he was happy go lucky. 

Rags's picture

A PI should be able to get video evidence of her bying then transporting across State lines.

Build the facts then make sure to regularly sit down and rub the SKid's noses in those facts baring BM's ass.

Over, and over, and over again. If they Skids dive into the KoolAid pool once they age out from under the CO, so be it. But they should not be able to self delude without that being countered by the facts.

Lulumay91's picture

Of course it's too late for PI because she just move to the neighboring state where it's legal.  She's one of those people that will never get caught doing shady shit. She frauded Medicade when her son didn't even live with her.  We let medicade know but they didn't do anything just made sure he wasn't on it in that state anymore.  She frauded hours saying she was working with her handycap brother when she wasn't.  I know that because her schedule was included in court papers. To work 1 job from 9pm-7am then second from 7am-7pm and then back to other job at 9pm plus's take care of kids.  She wasn't actually taking care of her brother. She was sleeping 

Survivingstephell's picture

Have you asked the skids why they need to be scared at your place?  Have you asked them things to consider, why that got said and who said it ?  You just need to make them think about things, not give them answers.  Critical thinking skills.  Sounds like you have a HCBM and the skids will have to deal with her as long as she lives.  The best thing their father can do is teach them to filter her BS. He does that by asking questions and getting them to think.   

Lulumay91's picture

We talked to the kids they said they are not scared.  They  said my DH didn't give their mom the chance to prove she can be a mom because he won't let them go back and live with her.  They don't like if we raise our voice to get their attention if their headphones are in. They don't like that we get stern when ignoring us. So they rather live at their mom since she literally just shuts down and they can control her.  The way my SD talks to her mom and she allows it is so shocking.

Rags's picture

THat is what courts are for. Even though the courts often leave something to be desired.

SS was always provided clarity that he would never live with the SpermClan. Ever. He never indicated that he wanted to.

When we had our final conversation on the topic was when we picked him up from his final COd SpermLand visitation a couple of days after his 18th B-day.

He was very quiet for a couple of days.  Then during a particulatly quiet day in the car on the road trip back to our home he told us he knew why his mom was there to pick him up in person.  That we wanted to be sure that if he was going to tell us he was staying in SpermLand that it would be more difficult for him to tell us in person rather than over the phone. Smart kid.

He was right. That is exactly why his mom was there to pick him up in person and why I flew in a couple of days later for us to all road trip back home.

He continued to tell us that he knew who his family is and where his home is. FInishing with telling us that he never intended to stay in SpermLand.

When SpermGrandHag would load him up with toxic PASIng bullshti when on visitation, he would come home confused as to why we would not let him live with them. We explained it by reviewing the original CO granting his mom full physical and legal custody before he was a year old.  We explained it to him when he was a young child as the CO was the law and we all had to abide by it even if his (SpermClan) did not want to or didn't like it.

We made no secrets. We just told him as it was.

When a kid is loaded up with toxic manipulative crap, the quality parent in the mix has to provide that kid with absolute clarity unsing the the facts.  Even if it is painful for the kid and bares the ass of their other parent.

IMHO of course.