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Yup, she smells again....

LPS's picture

So, SD just came home from school. She's the only kid home. She walked in and instantly I smelled something. I have a super sensitive sense of smell which in turn unfortunately affects my breathing and makes my lungs hurt. So, I sniff around and even the door area in front of her closed door stinks. I can't really tell what it is but it's gross. I knock and go in there, I ask her why she smells, she said maybe it's from the rain, since she walked home. I said no, its something else. She said she just had gym so maybe its sweat, I told her she should change at gym if that's the case, she said she changes from her boots to sneakers, thats changing to her. I told her to take a shower, so she's in there now, but the more I think about it, it smells like stale something or another- cigarettes or pot? My lungs wouldn't hurt from the smell of sweat. I can't figure it out?


psychobitch's picture

Hello, LPS, only been joined here about 2 hours and already it has changed my life. Anyway about the smell, if it is from MJ I'm afraid there is not a lot you can do to stop it. Maybe in the house but if kids want to experiment they will. I told my SK to tell me with no repricles (sorry about spelling) if they try anything so I can advise them on addiction and long term use to try and scare them off. Some of us SP have been there in our teens so know what to look for...I think it's most amusing when they act or talk near me and they think I don't know what's going on and I just have a sly smile on my face as I back them into a corner to see what lies I get. Wink

I think it's just like ciggies or alcohol, the more you say no the less effect it will have. Try to be more approachable about it as they might just be a bit curious and once out of their system, left alone. I'm not advocating it at all, but we can't be there at thier side 24/7. But of course everyone's different. xxx

VioletsareBlue's picture


LPS's picture

She's very sneaky, she carries everything around with her to and from school and with her on the weekends too. I'm going to discuss it with DH, this inst the first time.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Drug test her. They sell them at Walgreens and Rite Aid. I drug tested all my Bios RANDOMLY.

LPS's picture

So, she went in the shower and then put on the SAME clothes. ok, umm, ewww! I called DH and told him, I told him this hasn't been the 1st time either. When he gets home he said he'll deal with it, but I'm sure he'll tell me it's all in my head.