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Making a list

LMR120's picture

So after all the talk on her about "priority's" I am going to send my BF and email and ask him to rank things how he sees them. I am thinking about putting this down. Not in any particular order on here.


Am I missing anything?


stepkate's picture

I don't think thats a good idea. It sounds like a set-up to an argument. Besides, I decide through actions where I 'rank,' not lists.

My parents never told me where I fell in their priorities. To this day I have no idea what their 'list' might look like. They loved me unconditionally, and that was good enough for me. There was no 'placing' where someone was awarded the gold, silver, and bronze medal.

LMR120's picture

You know what? You are right. I dont think I would argue with him about it. His actions speak for themselves. I have seen him tell his boss that he cant go in Smile I have seen him have my back when it came to his mother Smile and I have seen him back me up when it comes to the kids so I guess I already have my answer. Thanks for the advice Smile

LMR120's picture

I would have put God on the list if I was going to send the email but I normally keep stuff like that to myself because of some of the reactions I have gotten in the past from people who dont beleive in him. Smile