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Little Jo's Blog

Darkness .....

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BF & I are speechless. And this started in the year 2000. Two days ago BF got a notice from the IRS saying that he owes $ 8,500 from 2003 & 15,000 from 2000. WTF??????????????????

Turns out, F#cken Darkness thought she could get a better tax refund without including her 'Husband's' income.

Yes, the bitch told him she handled the tax 'stuff' and never filed HIS. This was so far before we ever even met.

I could puke if I knew how.

I've been hiding feelings

Little Jo's picture

I've been ignoring my feelings. But I can't anymore, because it IS happening. F*$k all of you who think I'm over-reacting.

My only child is graduating high school this weekend. I was a single Mother for over 16 years. I watched over her, protected her, got a many of grey hairs over her, she was my baby, my job was to keep her bottom clean & dry, feed her, make her safe and make her laugh. Such an easy job when she was little.

Then came teaching her about friends & family, some you choose & some you are stuck with.

Happy Father's Day Weekend.

Little Jo's picture

For the ladies who were single Mothers and acted as both parents.

For the Bio-dads that still show how much they care even though you may be seperated or divorced.

For the Bio-dads that are also Step-dads and who opened their hearts to our kid(s). That's a whole alot of loving.

For our Father's who may have passed on. We miss you and love you.

At a loss today

Little Jo's picture

Well friends, it was a peaceful few weeks, but it's over. Drama reared it's ugly head again. DK is in a state of meltdown. Her Brother is moving out this week. He called us last night to say he has had it with his sister and the way she is "neglecting" the girls. (yeah, this is the same guy that demanded a month ago for BF to admit he abused the girls). He said it's time for us to take custody of them or at least SD9 & SD12. He told us alot of things that made our heads spin. I'm still trying to comprehend it all.

Please help. What do I do?

Little Jo's picture

I called Child Support today in regards to the investigation.
They are telling me they can't figure out how DK got my info. It wasn't through their office. So, I talk to BF. He does not know the name of the company she works for, but the company is one of 2 companies that make the credit cards. An company based out of Utah issues the cards & a company out of North Carolina makes the actually cards. Child support told me I should call the police.

A great line

Little Jo's picture

I thank you ladies and Steve. In return, I shall leave this great line from one of my favorite shows. Hope everyone has a drama free weekend.

Soap. Jessica is explaining life to her young son Billy.

"You see Billy, life gives you beans. There are good beans and bad beans... why, if Juan Valdez had our beans, he would have shot his donkey and burned down the mountain."

An update for my dear Friends.

Little Jo's picture

Darkness is out of her mind and I'm offically done. Like we didn't have enough drama 2 weeks ago with the letter I wrote and the aftermath. Last night was the topper. You're not going to believe this.

Yesterday, DK e-mails BF's sister to complain. Sis blasted her. Dk calls here last night on a complete tiraid. It began with 'How often do you talk to your sister & Mother. (like it's any of her F$#king business). Than she starts going off about the child support. They srceamed over that for awhile. Next up was that we are both Alcoholics and need God & help.

Let's have fun & plan that road trip

Little Jo's picture

Nymh's BM is on the top of the list, followed by Caitlin's. Db's 'Ms perfect'& Ms. J's. Oh yeah. - I'm Sure we can think of more. And please, let's not forget DK.

We would have to kick some kids asses. ( oh, wait that's abuse )
Steamed's, Cruella's, Sept.'s. - I'm sure we can think of more.

Let's see, I'm in NY, Anne in CT, Bio Mom in NJ, Cailtin a little south of that. We would have to get Dawn, you started this shit. Gwen, Loony, where are you.
