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Lillywy00's Blog

What if …(insert positive energy statement here)…

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I'll go first ...

"What if ... "the manager was forced to eat her pessimistic thoughts about one of the best work colleagues at the workplace including myself"

"What if ... I made quantum leaps in my career growth"

"What if ... more Disneyland parents reformed 180 in shorter periods of time"

OT Sociopathic Employers Part 5

Lillywy00's picture

*trigger warning...gender issues"

I've had about 6 managers in 6 months and my current manger is a complete c*nt!

This itchB had the audacity to write me up for taking "too much" pto, tried to forced me to write my comments to it while I was sharing my screen, then giggled while she gaslit me into thinking she was trying to "help" me improve 

OT - Sociopathic Employers At It Again….

Lillywy00's picture

So the turn over rate for managers is just as high as regular employees... so far 5 managers in 5 months

The expectations are so ridiculously high that everyone who is wise has ADA/FMLA/etc to be legally protected from getting fired for taking breaks

My new manager is a hovering micromanager and I loathe her voice already and wish I could block her PMs 

I am trying to line something up before quitting this disorganized chaotic mess and wondering if I should just take a leap of faith and work independently as I've done in the past. 

OT - AITA???

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Be honest...

During my bio's graduation my relative acted imo inappropriate and I respectfully said something about said behavior which triggered this relative to lash out at me  

My older relative helped pay a portion of my bio's school so I felt obligated to invite them despite knowing this persons past history of behavior (ex. Once I pay money for you, I can do whatever tf I want type of attitude) 

Just barely above CPS level parenting

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Just a trip down nightmare lane when I first started dealing with stanch Disneyland Dad and his "if I can't come first 100 percent then my spawns will come first over your serious relationships" mentally unstable breeder. 

I remember this itchB traipsing back in town with her spawns, moving 5 minutes away, then pretending like she couldn't parent her kids.   Nothing was wrong with her except Disneyland Dad enabled her trifling behavior "for the sake of those kids". 

OT … Territory Invasion

Lillywy00's picture

Not skids this time but .... my mother 

She decided to come into town and to be nice and a good daughter I told her she could stay at my place. 

Im regretting everything...

Not only is my new place smaller (so I can't  hole up in my room to avoid having to make small talk/entertain) but she decides to stay mf ing SEVERAL days as if I'm just as job-free as she is 

Like look here, just because you're retired doesn't mean I wanted you to invade my space while I'm working from home and glued to my desk. 

My experience being kind of a HCBM

Lillywy00's picture

Back in my past I used to be hell on wheels on because the dude I procreated with (huge mistake because that fool didn't deserve my birthing/parenting efforts although I did have a pretty and healthy baby) .... was a complete narcissistic ahole who enjoyed driving me to the brink of neuroticism every time for his narcissistic supply. 

Anyways I used to be triggered by another woman dealing with my kid but after some time I realized ... if my kid isn't being abused or neglected then I need to chill and focus on myself during his parenting times. 
