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DisneyDad’s Money Pit Breeders …

Lillywy00's picture

....and unlimited cash grabbing spawns


Am I the only one who is perturbed by how delusional these Disneyland dads are .... 

ESPECIALLY the ones who:

  • have lying money hungry meddling breeders - always wanting more money over the court ordered amount
  • have entitled wasteful spawns begging for the most expensive clothes, jewelry, electronics 

It not even necessarily the money flying out the window into another woman's household, it's moreso level of delusion where these men seem to think most women enjoy seeing 1/3 of resources that could be put towards our household going into some other woman's household leaving us either picking up the slack, subsidizing their child support, with very little to no understanding (or shall I say "no care") about how this negatively impacts us women and how THEY should be 

  • subsidizing our lifestyle as compensation for dealing with their industrial grade baggage
  • Simmering down their pissy attitudes 
  • Respecting our boundaries if we don't want unlimited cash grabs from outside our household 
  • etc


Why are these Disneydads so delusional? Thinking that women are just lined up around the block to take on their liabilities??? And if we do choose to get involved with them...why they make it very difficult (ex. continuing to operate 24/7 B. Beck n call remote ping services for their ex then arguing after we set boundaries) 

If I knew I had hella baggage I would be grateful someone would help me manage it all I wouldn't dare pull the stunts these entitled Disney parents do. 


Yesterdays's picture

It always seems like they have the woman under control out of fear of losing them perhaps... So if anyone dare say they don't like how things are then they retort in disgust... Well what is your problem... Why are you being nosy...ill give what I want for my kid.. Etc as if asking for transparency and money for bills is out of the question and unreasonable

Also what is horrible is when there is NO court order and the fool just throws money at a bio mom out of fear that bio mom will be mad at them or something or withhold custody etc. Get the court order and pay only the required child support and extra curricular.. Nothing more. 

Lillywy00's picture

No court order is THE the conniving breeders and spineless Disney parents can come to some arbitrary number (usually highly in favor of the breeder)


And yeah - gonna ask for numbers if it's affecting my household. A man's child support (and custody) definitely affects the household  standard of living so women have a right to know so they can agree to proceed or not. 

grannyd's picture

Yo, Lilly,

…Thinking that women are just lined up around the block to take on their liabilities???

And, the reason that these arrogant, baggage-burdened Disney Dads continue to entangle females is because there are several unworldly women for each rapacious, single father. 

The truth of Step parenthood is one of those big shockers that reveal themselves after the romance has begun to wear thin and the bamboozled SM sees the light.

AlmostGone834's picture

Yup. Young women are especially easy prey. They don't have the BS detector fully developed yet. 


CLove's picture

Back in the day, Husband was BM Toxic Trolls Car B!tch, whereby she would threaten to go back to court if he did not do work on her car, so he always did for parts and a little labor, far under what she would have paid if she went to a shop. And she got a car type he specialises in, with that expectation. I used to give him flack because it p!ssed me off.

Now he does it because he needs the money and I dont give a fluck. Neither of her kids drive, so its better and easier all around.

Lillywy00's picture

she would threaten to go back to court if he did not do work on her car,

my response if I were in that situation = "well Lucifer...see you in court!" 

Yesterdays's picture

The idea of holding someone hostage through the threat of court is always a great one. See ya there! They're just using it for intimidation purposes. 

Yesterdays's picture

In our case bio mom had more fear control power in our house over behavioral standards of the skids and not so much about finances.. Luckily. As in we can't have rules for those poor widdle skiddies because they don't have rules at their moms so they might not want to come over.. 

Aside from the entitlement of just having to own Luxurious $400 Landyachtz skateboards

thinkthrice's picture

If they keep it casual AKA without a court order, the BM will play fair with them and all will be nicey nicey when it comes to visitation Etc.

Nothing could be further from the truth it just emboldens the BM to demand even more.

I mean seriously who are they fooling if they couldn't get along while they were married what makes them think that the BM is going to play nice whatsoever during and after breakup/divorce?

Lillywy00's picture

I mean seriously who are they fooling if they couldn't get along while they were married what makes them think that the BM is going to play nice whatsoever during and after breakup/divorce?


Yet another delusion these Disneyland dads continue to perpetuate. 

Like all of a sudden their ex wife is bestie - of - the - year and they're so dumb to think that if they turn off the mobile ping service that the  petty disgruntled money grubbing breeder won't run to the legal system for court ordered cash grabs at the least / make life hell for the non-compliant Disneyland Dad 

Yesterdays's picture

Haha.. Yes that playbook. Not sure why they believe bio mom would play along best without a court order when what's always needed is structure as far as support and all those things.

That's their crazy delusion and it never works because they become at the whim of the bio mom... And tend to just do whatever she says and give what money and time she needs to not upset the balance (or bio mom). Which usually results in step moms misery and discontent, and rightly so. No one wants to play 2nd fiddle to another woman, that was at one time lover with their partner.

My husband did not throw money at BM but did give her too much in some ways... He was and is afraid of her. That was always apparent. Even now when he had to coordinate benefits for his youngest he was so afraid of her.

I was pissed when he called me on my chemotherapy day only to complain about how she was acting... Beyond pissed! Luckily he doesn't deal with her anymore. Somehow got off that train!! 

Lillywy00's picture

No one wants to play 2nd fiddle to another woman, that was at one time lover with their partner.


If these Delusional Disneyland Dads think it's okay to run to put their ex lovers as a priority then let's do that across the board and I'm gonna put my ex lover Chad as a priority too. 

We shared custody of a precious dog and I'm doing this for the dog's sake! 

I was pissed when he called me on my chemotherapy day only to complain about how she was acting... Beyond pissed! Luckily he doesn't deal with her anymore. Somehow got off that train!! 


He would have been sleeping in the basement that day

Harry's picture

You. L O V E. him. And will used your money going to SK Ato keep him happy.   That really worked out   They the disssney daddddy. Are still in some kind of dysfunctional relationship with the ex.  Putting the ex and kids before tge new relationship.  They should nit be married to anyone new