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Disneyland Parents and Boundaries

Lillywy00's picture

When Disneyland parents rightfully set ONE small one-time boundary against their perpetually demanding ex or spawns then act like they found the cure to cancer  


Lillywy00's picture

Someone tell these financial cuck doormats that boundaries are like washing a$$ ... 

Congrats you did it yesterday but wtf are you going to do about it today and beyond?!?

RockyRoads's picture


Rags's picture

Past behavior is the best indicator of current and future performance.   

This is like the idiot who throws out the "But I'm not lying this tiiiiiiiiiime!" after lying regularly for years.

A liar is a liar. Even when they do upon occassion tell the truth.

Why anyone tolerates this crap from a mate is beyond me. And for damned sure it should never be tolerated from a kid regardless of the kid's age.  

IMHO of course.

Dogmom1321's picture

Oh yes, DH set ONE boundary and he think he wins the Nobel Peace Prize. 

We have a family membership to the gym. SD14 wants a 2nd membership to ANOTHER gym because that is where her friends go. 

DH said no. HE THINKS HE DID SOMETHING AMAZING. No, it's called common sense.