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Nothing like using your scheduled PTO for sick leave...

lieutenant_dad's picture

I knew it would be too good to be true if I made it 2 years in a row without getting sick around Christmas. I blame my inability to exercise consistently the last few months due to injuries as the culprit. Man, I was never an exerciser and didn't see what people got out of it until I couldn't do it. Now I'm itching to get back at it!

But, instead, at work on Friday, I started getting a scratch in my throat. Then, the scratch became a pain. A pain became a fever. A fever became body aches. Four blankets, Nyquil, ibuprofen, and a fitful night's sleep later, I most certainly had the flu.

I am now on the mend as it has travelled from my head to my chest and has caused laryngitis (much, I'm sure, to the relief of my DH and SSs). I am still pretty miserable, though I can function today with relative easy. My fever is gone, so I took the opportunity to Lysol everything I have touched in the last 48-72 hours.

As far as an update from previous blogs, I don't know that I have much of one. BM has surprisingly kept her job. DH hasn't handed her any new money, though I don't know that she has asked, either. We'll see how things go now that the holidays are coming to a close.

I feel bad for my dad. We were supposed to celebrate Christmas with him today, but I can't manage to do it. He has gotten "shafted" on holidays the last few years, partially due to work schedules and custody schedules. My mom has been making a hard claim for Christmas Eve being "her Christmas with us" since DH gets the boys on Christmas Day. She may have to start loosening up on the Christmas Eve thing because Dad is getting shafted and I feel super guilty about it especially since it will be January before we can celebrate.

Also, my SSis has surprisingly kept her job and is still here in Anti-Canada. My SBro didn't take it too well when he heard she was back in town, but I don't know that anything has happened or come of him hearing the news. I don't know much and don't ask much.

All in all, it has been a pretty peaceful December here in Anti-Canada. Happy New Year to you all!