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ladybugz80's Blog

Is this wrong????

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So I started spring cleaning. I despise my SK BM and her clinger in the worst possible way. Is it so wrong that I want to chuck almost everything that the kids bring back from her house? The kids usually only bring it back because she wants them to. For instance SS is wearing a pair of PJ pants that I know came from her house and I just want them to go away and in my mind ANYTHING to do with her is bad, evil and sadistic. So if they aren't in my home its not a trigger.

Frustrated by BM

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About a year ago my SK came to live with us due to BM and her boyfriend's mental stability and ability to parent appropriately. BM had one of her boyfriends children removed by CS due to her abilities. We then subsequently found out that she had gone to a neighbor prior to this and threatened to kill the kids and herself. We went to court with CS and were granted custody and mom was given unsupervised access only.

HELP SD9 is acting out

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Hi I am fairly new here. DH and I gained custody of his two children over a year ago due to BM having Mental Health issues and wanting to kill the children. SS12 seems to be adjusting well despite BM and her equally narcissistic spouse trying to turn children against us and using her emotions to make them feel bad. He seems to be happier than what he was when he was living with BM. SD9 has been acting out like nothing and more so after visitations with her BM.