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FAMILY support group

KittyKat's picture

I honestly feel this site deals with EVERYTHING regarding family issues. Sure, it's MAIN focus is on step-parenting and exes, perhaps, we have all given each other great advice and swapped stories about our OWN BIOKIDS and the issues we have with them sometimes.

We have discussed siblings, spouses, parents, PETS, for God's sakes. Many people have noticed a serenity in my person since last summer when I joined ST. I just tell them that I joined a "family support group".

'Cos that's how I feel, dammit! Smile


bellacita's picture

completely agree KK! gracias!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

FuBaR's picture

KK and Bella we ARE a family..Ditto girls..

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
Sir Winston Churchill..

Tara12's picture

if I would still have hair on my head it it wasn't for all of you on this site. I always know I have a place to come to when a lot of friends and family just do not understand! You guys have completed saved my sanity on several occasions!

sam's picture

an situation 2 years ago about my own bs that he wanted 2 live with his dad for a year but it was on the other side of the country.I cried and cried and thought and thought.It took me awhile to make that decision and when i did you gals helped me make the right choice.I let my son go for the year.I get along well with my ex and now my son realizes how hard it was for me to make that choice and he thanks me all the time because he gets the best of both worlds and travels to see his dad and he just loves it.My son and i are very close to eachother.He is gone now and this is his 2nd year of doing it.But i put my sons feelings first before myself and even though he is far away we are closer than ever.We talk on the phone every night and thanks to you ladies that helped me though and told me that i was a great mother for allowing him to have a relationship with his dad.My son always tells me how much he loves me and says that he could not have a better mother.

Tara12's picture

Sam - that totally just brought tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful, giving mother!

lil_teapot's picture

This place is about family support...all the stuff that comes with steps and family and life in general. You can't separate it all and say this site is for talking about bio kids and this site is for dealing with bad all goes hand in hand. And we need each other for all kinds of support. Just because I'm having fh issues doesn't mean that I can't offer advice on handling skids, because that's one topic I'm doing good with right now...and maybe someone who's not doing good with their skids is having a good relationship with their H so they can offer me advice. You know what I mean? We all have things we're struggling with and things we're successful at...being here is about sharing all that stuff.