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Kinder1's Blog

Update: Wedding Week Over

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Wedding of SS was yesterday. The 3 Skids and their spouses are polite and say hello and goodbye. They clearly know I have detached over the course of the last year and that is a triumph for me. DH was very attentive to me and made sure we had a nice time together. Many thanks to all who supported me and responded. I kept saying the mantra "Do Nothing, Expect Nothing" as suggested... Wish I had done this years ago.


Kinder1's picture

Wedding week for Stepkid #3. Another event where I will get the silent treatment and DH will think everything went well. Here's my better state of mind: In the past several years I have learned to distance and watch them behave as if I am watching a play that I am not in. At the end of the weekend it will be over and i will resume my life where I put my goodness towards others who value my presence in their lives. It is a lonely journey but I know there are others out there who "get" what I am faced with and I know I have the capacity to heal.
