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karenemoy's Blog

Just Let it Go

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I just have to post this - I was at SD daugther's christening this past Sunday. BM was there with her husband. DH's family as well. DH and I always get a little anxious when we know we have to see BM but what are we going to do. BM was actually very nice to me and DH's family. Made an effort to come over and say hi. There has been so much anger in the past and because of her I almost left the marriage at one point.

SS Changes Name and Moves in the Real Birth Mother

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SS is 24 years old and he is adopted. We have not had much contact with him since he took off 3 years ago refusing help for his heroin addiction (multiple stays in rehab paid for by me and DH). SS knew he could no longer manipulate us for money - good riddence.

Come to find out (via Facebook since BM and Real BM are friends) he contacted his real birth mother and moved about 1000 miles away. Real birth mom is total WT. So the SS idiot changes his name. Basically disowned his parents.

Just makes me so mad after everything we did for him. What a piece of shit.

General Question about Step Grandparents

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My SD has a 1 and 1/2 year old daughter - not really talking much but just curious - for those of you that have step grandkids what do they call you?

There already is a grandma - SD's mother - and even though I hate her guts she really is the grandmother.

Anyone have a view on this?

FYI - I get along great with my SD so no issues there.

Weird got a message from Collection Agency for BM

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BM and DH have been divorced for 15 years. BM is now remarried but we got a message from a collection agency looking for a reference for BM! How can that be! She does not have our home phone number. I have no clue how collection agencies work.

Does anyone know why or how we could have gotten a call? I told the guy we have NOTHING to do her and they have been divorced for over 15 years. He just said he would take our number out of the file.

Do you find you resent skids more because they are f-ups and that keeps BM in your life?

karenemoy's picture

SS22 totally is a drug addict. Walked out of rehab (AGAIN) in December - DH cut off his health insurance. Good for DH. Have not heard from SS22 since - - good riddance IMHO.

So last week SS22 and his drug addict girlfriend found it funny to post on FB that SS22 is dead. Turns out it was a hoax. But this latest round of drama brings BM back in the picture with all her drama.

I really hate this kid!

What would you do - SS22 Stuff in Our House

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Not sure what to do - feel bad, but why do we have to be a storage unit. SS22 is a drug addict - walked out of 4th or 5th rehab place in December and we have not heard from him since. DH is done with him cut off phone, insurance, etc.

Problem is we have a bunch of his stuff and our house is on the market.

DH says sell the stuff - his drums and electric quitars.

We cannot get in touch with him but if we move I do not want to continue to store this shit.


How many have adults Skids that continue to mooch? No job but give sob story as to why they cannot get a job

karenemoy's picture

Just taking a small poll. My DH is so done after SS22 showed up today AGAIN claiming he is really trying for find a job (for the last year) and has no money for gas.

Such a loser!

I feel like I can move on now.

karenemoy's picture

So my back story is that I was once close to SS22 but a 1 and 1/2 we found about his drug addiction. I have not seen him in a year and SS22 was at a birthday party I threw for my husband this past weekend. He is been in a least 2 in-patient rehabs and several out patient rehab places in the past year or, including 2 sober living facilities. We have spent plenty of $ on his care over the years. He does not work. Claims he is will stay sober this time.

What would you do - need advise here about SS 22

karenemoy's picture

Ok I have not seen SS22 in a year - back story is that he has major drug and mental health issues (which I believe could be controlled but not when on drugs). He claims to DH he is trying to get his life back together - but still cant hold a job (really lazy) and is going back to school. My SD 25 recently called my DH and said she saw SS22 and was pretty sure he was high.

Anyway my DH is having a big milestone birthday in a couple of weeks and DH invited SS22 to our home. I have no choice he wants him there, fine. I will do my best to ignore him.
