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June's Blog

Day 10 of 10!!! THANK YOU JESUS!

June's picture

Well today is the day my two SS go back to BM house after staying with me and DH for 10 days straight. I know I'm am lucky that they don't live with us full time, but still.. It was the longest week of my life!! No real big issues happened, it was just a very different 'home' then I am use to when they are here. I can't even believe I made it through, I thought it would never end. I found out that BM was actually scheduled to come back last night but her flight got delayed, so she came back today. Whatever I'm just glad I get my home back and my life back and my DH back.

Day 6 of 10

June's picture

Okay so at least I'm on day 6 of my 10 days straight with my two SS 13 & 17.. But I have to say it's killing me. My SS17 hasn't been home hardly at all, out with friends so that's been great. My SS13 has been here non stop. I am just going out of my mind having him here every day after work. The kid is just down right rude sometimes and I don't know why. Dispite the fact that I'm on here bitching all the time, to him I'm very very nice and I hold it all in. When I get home from work he BARELY says hi to me. It's like he moves to a different room if I'm in it.

Day 3 of 10

June's picture

Okay so like I said in my last blog, we get my two SS 13 & 17 for ten days bc BM is on vacation. Really kinda HATE this whole arrangement. Friday wasn't too bad, we took the skids out to dinner for their b-day. SS 17 was in a foul mood didn't talk much. Then on Sat my DH went to work and I was stuck here with the skids. I thought SS17 would go out with his friends but he bummed here for most of the day. SS13 played his video games extremly loud all day didn't say much to me. Then DH gets home and dosent feel like going out... So I just sat home all fricken day and night.

Here it is....

June's picture

Well here it is.... The last day of peace and quiet for 10 days. My two ss's are coming over tomorrow to stay with me and DH for 10 days straight as BM is on vacation. As I posted in a previous blog, this feels like more of an invonvience to me then my DH bc he is at work all the time. I know this is horrible to feel this way. I really want to be able to enjoy their company. It's just that you get into your own routine and now that they will be here everything is going to be different.

Say something, or zip my lip?

June's picture

So tomorrow is fathers day and SS12 and I picked out a gift for DH last weekend. This was his request for me to bring him to the store, he picked it out himself and wanted to use all his money to buy it. I only had him go in on half bc I felt bad having him use his last dime. I am very proud of him for thinking of his dad and using his own money. Now my SS16 was not around all week. He drives and get money from odd jobs all the time, so I dint even ask him if he was getting anything for DH.

So pissed!

June's picture

So my SS's 12 & 16 are spending the ENTIRE weekend with us from Friday thru Sunday night. This is not our normal schedule, we normally have them EVERY Sunday & Tuesday and alternating Fri / Sat. This weekend BM is going away so we get them all weekend. Then we also get them still on Tuesday, the following Friday and again on Sunday. I also found out that in July BM is going away again, and we have them for back to back full weekends with the week inbetween too. (Fri- sun, M-sun). My husband is at work alll the time so all this is, is an invonvience to ME.

Visit schedule

June's picture

My DH is off from work on Sunday and Tuesdays. We get the skids both those days, all day. We also get the skids (12 &16) on alternating Fri or Sat nights when my husband gets out of work and they sleep over. So my DH and I only get one 'date night' per week. Either a fri night after we get out of work(and he has to work the next day) or a Sat night after he gets out of work.(and he has to wake up early the next morning to pick up skids) I never get to spend the day with him. I am off on Sat but he has to work until very late afternoon.

Is it me?

June's picture

So I havent been on here in a long time... havent needed to vent until now. Anyway, lately I havent been able to see one of my my step sons as he has been with his friends on every day that he would useally come to visit me and my DH. I get that most kids would rather be with friends then parents / step-parents and especially at the ripe age of 16. However what I find highly anoying is that he will find work arounds lately to still spend time with his Dad and avoid me. I never had any real issues with this particualr skid... in fact we get along quite well.

Spoiled ROTTEN

June's picture

So here we are again at another B-day for my DH. I am always confused on what to do when it comes to holidays / b-days and the Skids. I have always felt that it should be my job to go shopping with the skids to get something for their dad / my DH and not the BM. When it is her B-day or what not, I think it should be her husband that takes the skids shopping for her. I dont like the idea of my DH shopping for his ex with the skids and same with the other way around.
