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OT - Nat Geo Mag this month, article on Teenage Brains

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Not sure if any of you have a subscription to the National Geographic but this month's issue's feature is on Teenage Brains, specifically "The new science of the Teenage Brain" and is actually a damn interesting read.

The studies they base their hypotheses on suggest that teens value the reward more than they fear a consequence. I had a mental image of training my dog - she values the food treat more than my anger any day. Not likening my children to dogs though, this was just the simplest example my brain conjured up.

The exact quote I found intriguing is:

OT to a degree - a vent, rant, not about stepkids.

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Today and much of this past weekend I've felt blah. Just tired. Tired of dealing with kids who don't put ANYTHING away. Tired of being a broken record. Tired of listening to the SO complain that my kids are messy and i know they are beign slobs and am actively trying to get them to clean up. Grounding, privilege loss, phones turned off, I've done it. Neither have video games or cells or anything that needs charging or can be played. They are one step away from sitting on their beds with tehir hands in their laps every day until the end of time. Ugh.

Would YOU be with a BF or BM who walked away from their kids because they didn't want to pay CS?

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i'm curious - would you stay with a person who decided to stop seeing their children because they didn't watn to pay child support?

What kind of reasons would you take to be valid for NOT seeing their kids for 6 mos or more?

Taking a serious moment and discussing abuse & what it is.

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For the past few days I've been reading and commenting on a few blogs and forum posts. I'm struck by how many similarities I see in my life and some I've been reading about. I'm also surprised that so many of us women live with and justify abuse. Men - before you chop my head off - I'm NOT excluding you from this conversation but the reality is women are reportedly more abused than men. *reportedly*. Most men don't report abuse due to our insane society thought of "suck it up and be a man". No one should have to shoulder abuse.

A shout out for Steps everywhere...a little "thank you".

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Smile Thanks guys and gals!!!

In the past 3 days I have contracted my DD13's germs and they're currently winning the battle on my immune system - which I thought was strong - but apparently is very, very, weak.

I've been barely able to function - going to work and trying hard not to fall asleep, taking meds, and blowing my nose so often I could lead Santa this Christmas.

I have a scenario for you...and would like your input and thoughts...

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I've been surfing this site for a few days and eventually decided to go ahead and join. I am using one of my alternate pseudonyms - and I'll explain why a little later on. Not important for now. I'm not famous, nor am I an expert or a doctor. I just want to see what other BP/SP would have done with this situation.