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janeyc's Blog

A step back.

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After all the trouble I've had with Sd6 and my bf, life was ticking along nicely, Bf has been correcting Sd on her manners, after 2 yrs of nagging him, Sd's behaviour has improved, then Bf says, of by the way I've booked 2 weeks off work in August, the first week of August Sd will be here, then he says oh by the way Ss15 is staying next weekend as well as Sd, where the f**k do I come into this?

Great weekend.

janeyc's picture

After all the trouble I've had with Sd6 and her Daddy, I was dreading the weekend, Sd was due to visit, she was an angel, a real joy to be with and Daddy was very well behaved as well, Bf encouraged Sd to use her manners, she was cheeky once and Bf closed her right down, so for now it seems as though he has finally got it.


janeyc's picture

After all our recent upset and turmoil, things have calmed down alot, though Daddy still dos'nt teach Sd manners, I did remind him, I will have to have a little chat with him, before Sd6's next visit, the anxiety is building already, Im so used to feeling anxious about her visits it will take time before I calm down. I still wish it was just the two of us, I just can't help it.

Turn around.

janeyc's picture

I can't believe it, the night before I was due to leave, Bf said sorry for everything, he has'nt said that before, he promised to punish sd when she was naughty and stop babying her, we've had so many arguments about sd and her behavior, he wanted me to be Mummy when it suited him, but then when sd was badly behaved he would become over protective and shout at me, the thing is he has never said sorry before, we talked everything through and decided to start with a clean slate for everyone, so I was right I had to threaten to leave before he actually got it, so here we are 5 days later and e

One more day.

janeyc's picture

So Im leaving on Wednesday, the atmosphere is terrible in the house, he's acting as though I've done something terrible, sorry I don't buy into your bullshit anymore, do your guilt parenting by yourself and reap the rewards, I don't have to see it or suffer from it anymore, now I will find someone who respects me and my opinion, never again I say. I wish I had never met you or your daughter.


janeyc's picture

So after splitting with bf yesterday, what do I realise today, its our 2nd anniversary of meeting, ha ha how ironic, I have a slightly sore head as I enjoyed a few beers last night, one of the things that really pissed me off, was that he ordered himself a pizza and ate all of it, nice to see that his appetite has'nt been effected, he has tried to make me feel that everything is my fault, precious princess can do no wrong, I am totally unreasonable, he is a blind asshole, when I went into his bedroom after he went to work this morning, I could see by the state of the bed clothes that he'd h

End of the line.

janeyc's picture

Well I've thrown in the towel, I cannot live here anymore and the prospect of no more soft pathetic Daddy and no more whining Sd is a very happy thought, shame I have to move in with parents, the only sad thing is that I will have to start again, I will never get involved with a man with children again, if I end up a spinster with 10 cats then so be it.


janeyc's picture

I've decided I need a break, Im going to stay with a friend and have a think about what I want, Im going to put myself first, now I just need to tell BF, I don't think he's going to be happy about this, maybe this will finally give him the kick up the arse he needs?


janeyc's picture

I did'nt wait up for bf last night, it was 9.45pm and I was so tired after a crappy night, I just went to bed, he had to stay late at work, I know that this is true has he told me about it weeks ago, I wonder whats going on his head?


janeyc's picture

Got woken up, 3 times before 6am, by sd, soft father won't tell her to stay in bed, I feel sooooo tired, this will help my illness no end, house is a tip, its going to take me hours to clean it yet again, I just get left with the shit, told him for the fourth time in 4 days, keep her in bed I have to be able to sleep, non comittal answer as hes leaving, will have to talk to the thick asshole again.
